Резюме від 29 травня 2024 Файл


Python developer

40 років
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Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Torrelaguna, Madrid
Oleksii Kovalenko
Phone [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Git https://github.com/alex2011ua Python developer
Portfolio https://alexua.fly.dev
LinkedIn [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
WhatsApp [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Telegram @Alex2011UA
Viber [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Skype alexua_83
Summary of
Completed numerous courses and acquired comprehensive knowledge in Python,
JavaScript, and other programming languages to become a proficient specialist.
Very reliable, responsible, enthusiastic team worker. I always achieve my goals and
complete tasks on time. Not conflicting. Dedicated to the team and always ready to help.
Developed several personal projects and obtained commercial experience. Gained
experience in natural language processing, large language model.
Primary focus lies in leveraging Django REST Framework, although also possess knowledge
in frontend development.

Programming Languages/Technologies Cloud computing
▪ Python/Django/Flask/FastApi/Celery/DRF ▪ AWS
▪ JavaScript/HTML/CSS/AJAX/JQuery ▪ Fly.io
▪ C/C++ ▪ Heroku
▪ Docker, Docker Compose, Nginx/Gunicorn
▪ Network technologies
NLP/ LLM/ ML ▪ Different technological device
▪ Ttrankit/langdetect/NLTK/pycld2/Selenium ▪ Raspberry
▪ LlamaIndex ▪ Arduino

Blind typing

Experience / • Team Challenge (August 2023 - still working)
IT related Backend Python Engineer. Volunteer.
educational Developed and implemented scalable backend infrastructure using Python Django for the non-
practice profit multilingual project “Online store GiftHub”. Based on the Django framework with DRF.
Connected to OpenAI for easier product searches.

• NInja Taxi (September 2022 - January 2023)
Backend Python Engineer. Internship.
Participated in the development of the Taxi website. Developed fake websites to create
automated tests. Used Selenium to scrape websites to get reports.
Worked with Selenium, Django, Docker-compose, HTML, CSS

• SoftServe Python marathon (2022):
Series OQ № 9797/2022
Completed the Marathon to gain knowledge and skills in the following technologies:
Git (GitHub), Python, Patterns, Networking, SCRUM, Django, JS
Was one of the best students.
Oleksii Kovalenko
Python Developer
• Yalantis (2022):
Python School. My mentors introduced me to the rules and technologies of commercial
Worked with GitLab, MyPy, SOLID, OOP, Meta classes, flake8, Anti-patterns, best practices,
Pytest, JWT, Validation, Serializers

• Pet project: Implemented a smart home project on Django (2020-2021).
A server was launched on a Raspberry minicomputer on which Nginx and Gunicorn were
installed and configured.
An Arduino controller is connected to the server to work with sensors.

• Political party “ALL-UKRAINIAN UNION “BATKYVSHCHINA” (2005-2023)
System administrator:
✓ Computer setup, OS installation, repair and maintenance of computer equipment.
Technical specialist:
✓ Organization, technical setup and support of video conferences, press conferences,
senior management meetings
✓ support and repair of video surveillance, security and fire systems
Technical consultant:
✓ Consultation and selection of equipment for solving complex technical problems.
PBX administrator:
✓ Installation, configuration of telephone sets, configuration of Mini-ATS, cabling.
• Private entrepreneur (2003)

Languages English B1
Spanish A1
Ukrainian native
Russian native

Education • Specialist degree of Protection of information in computer systems and
networks. (2000-2005)
Kyiv National Aviation University
Institute of Information and Diagnostic Systems
Faculty of Information Security in Computer Networks
Linux Administration Basics (2023) Certificate of Coursera online courses
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (2023)
▪ Agile and Scrum in working on projects
Certificate of Stepik online courses (2020-
and products
2021): ▪ Diving into Python
▪ Python Programming ▪ OOP and design patterns in Python
▪ «Generation Python»: A Beginner's Course ▪ Building Web Services in Python
▪ Python: Basics and Applications ▪ Basics of HTML and CSS
▪ Web technologies ▪ JavaScript Part 1: Basics and Features
▪ Flask from scratch in practice ▪ JavaScript, Part 2: prototypes and
▪ Java Script for beginners asynchrony
▪ Docker. Basic

Схожі кандидати

Junior Python Developer
Дистанційно, Київ , ще 3 міста

Python Developer

Software Engineer (Python)
80000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ

Python (ML, Web), React, WordPress Developer
Дистанційно, Київ

Intern, Junior Python Developer


Усі схожі кандидати

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