Резюме від 3 червня 2024 PRO


Project Manager, Associate Game Producer

Повна зайнятість.
38 років
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Досвід роботи

Associate Game Producer

з 08.2022 по 07.2023 (11 місяців)
Solid Bash, Kyiv (IT)

• Work with cross-functional teams to design and build engaging player experiences.
• Own the Sprint Backlog (increment to deliver), and help the Team to stay focused on the right priorities.
• Work closely with the QA to ensure that the quality is managed at the highest standards.
• Oversee features development and ensure that the team stays aligned with the Product Vision.
• Understand features value, and drive the development based on KPIs and Players feedback.
• Support the Product Owner in refining and managing the product backlog.


з 04.2022 по 08.2022 (4 місяці)
Magic Media, Kyiv (IT)

•Overseeing end-to-end project production, from defining the scope of work and scheduling to final delivery.
• Managing both internal and outsourced VFX/animation teams, while fostering effective communication with coordinators, supervisors, and other departments.
• Actively contributing to the continuous enhancement of internal tools and processes to elevate production quality and efficiency.
• Developing comprehensive execution plans for projects, ensuring timely delivery within specified budgets and scope requirements.
• Handling document flow and financial control, including project budgets, change orders (CEs), purchase orders (POs), invoices, and other related aspects.


з 06.2020 по 04.2022 (1 рік 10 місяців)
PEPGroup, Kyiv (IT)

• Management of adaptation, localisation and delivery of multiple campaigns for well-recognised brands across TV, Online and Digital.
• Creative production team management (VFX artists, print/digital designers)
• Running cooperation with the company's strategic international partners
• Financial documents control
• Management of various 3rd Parties (i.e. sound studios, translation agencies, etc)



Marketing, Kyiv
Вища, з 2003 по 2009 (6 років)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Project Management in GameDev


Game Design


Знання і навички

Management skills IT project management Jira Trello Project management (production) Analytical thinking Creativity

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

Додаткова інформація

Experienced Project Manager and Game Producer based in Kyiv, Ukraine, with a strong background in video post-production and game development. Have a track record of successfully supporting teams in managing projects from inception to completion, ensuring timely, budget-conscious, and high-quality delivery. Worked with cross-functional teams including artists, programmers, and designers, and proficient in creating project schedules, resource management, and maintaining communication with stakeholders.

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