Резюме від 13 червня 2024 Файл


Legal assistant

21 рік

Контактна інформація

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Similoluwa Adelusi, AICMC
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Nigeria Male

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») @similoluwa7

A dedicated Legal Professional, I bring a robust academic foundation to the table. My goal is to utilize my
extensive knowledge and professional credentials to make a significant impact in the legal field. I am deeply
committed to continuous professional development, and I make it a priority to stay abreast of the latest trends
and technologies in the legal sector.

2018 – 2023 LLB (Bachelor of Law)
Ede, Nigeria Redeemer's University
Graduated with honors (Second-Class Upper)

Participated in mock trial competitions, showcasing strong research and advocacy skills.

Actively engaged in legal clinics, providing pro-bono assistance to underprivileged clients.

Played an integral role in the in the university's research team, conducting in-depth legal


Professional Experience
2023/07 – present Legal and Research Assistant
Nigeria ODTC Consulting Limited
I am employed in the Legal Department of a Research Firm, specifically with Odutola and
Tasie Legal Practitioners.
During my tenure, I have accomplished the following:
Drafted a deed of conveyance document for an apartment.
Conducted research on the applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the Short Let
Business in Oyo State.
Overseen the registration of the company's Hospitality Business with the appropriate
entities, in accordance with regulations.
Registered a foundation of the company with the Corporate Affairs Commission.
Conducted extensive research on the Tax Implications of Small and Medium Enterprises in
Registered the Company under the Joint Tax Board's 'Taxpayer Identification Number' as
Developed a Tenancy Agreement involving ten tenants and a landlord for a house situated in
Drafted a contract agreement between the law firm and Inkanstrans Limited in Lagos.
Conducted research with the team on topics related to sustainable agriculture and animal
husbandry, providing a legal perspective.

2022/09 – 2022/10 Legal Internship
Nigeria Musibau Adetunbi SAN and Co
Contributed to the development of case strategies and attended court proceedings.
Engaged in discussions with senior colleagues to gain insights into various legal procedures.
Assisted in organizing and maintaining legal files and documentation.
Conducted legal research to support ongoing cases and prepare detailed summaries.
Engaged in Corporate Transactions such as Incorporation of Company and other
incorporation matters.
Filling of Annual Returns with Corporate Affairs Commission and other post incorporation

2021/08 – 2021/10 Legal Internship
Nigeria Owoseni Ajayi and Associates
Partcipated in Client meetings and assisted in case preparations.
Demonstrated strong attention to detail and adherence to legal ethics and confidentiality.
Assisted in drafting legal documents, including briefs, motions and contracts.
Assisted in maintaining legal files and documentation

2021/02 – 2023/07 Research and Editing Team
Nigeria Faculty of Law, Redeemer's University
Acquired robust skills in writing, editing and proofreading.
Developed valuable research and critical thinking skills.
Participated in challenging and intellectually stimulating projects.
Adhered to academic standards in research papers and reports.
Engaged in brainstorming and project review to enhance quality and accuracy.

2023/06 – 2023/08 Legal Writer
Remote, UK Lebrug Limited
Cultivated time management skills by successfully juggling multiple projects.
Writing beautifully and competently for various formats.
Crafting engaging and informative legal contents for blogs covering diverse topics.
Proficiently retyped handwritten documents and digitised contents.


Legal Drafting Legal Writing
Research Skills Negotiation and Mediation
Excellent Writing Editing and proofreading
Attention to Detail Adaptability
Effective Communication Teamwork
Time Management Organizational Skills
Evidence Handling Curiosity

English Yoruba
Native Native


Associate of Institute of Chartered Mediators and West African Examination Council Certificate
Conciliators (AICMC)

Certified Computer User (C/SCU)
Issued by New Horizons

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