Резюме від 13 травня 2024 Файл


Back-end developer, QA manual, Data scientist (Python)

31 рік
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Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Purposeful and proactive (Python) back-end developer and tester, without commercial experience.
I can work in development with the following frameworks (Flask, Django, AioHTTP and FastApi) and
Database Management Systems (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB Atlas), write unit tests and tests
with fixtures. In testing, I can work with the following test management systems (Test Rail and
TestCaseLab) as well as with an error tracking system(Jira), and am familiar with the following
software development methodologies (Waterfall, V-model, Spiral and Iterative models, as well as
Agile models). I work confidently with the NumPy and Pandas libraries, Scikit-learning, TensorFlow,
Keras, Matplotlib, Seaborn, NLTK, Gensim, OpenCV, Plotly for machine learning. What helps me in
my work/learning is quick learning, result orientation, stress resistance, high performance, restraint,
responsibility and a risk-oriented approach.
Daria Veresha
Dnipro, Ukraine
49006 Dnipro
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email Aug 2023 - Present (Python)back-end developer
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Date of birth
28-08-1992 Freelancer
Nationality Inspector of the regime and security department
Aug 2013 - Present
State institution "Dnipro Penitentiary (No. 4)", Dnipro
https://github.com/DanikaVeresha? Protection and supervision of convicts and persons taken into
tab=repositories custody
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Jan 2024 - May 2024 Elementary
Hillel It School, Dnipro, Ukraine
English Elementary: As part of the QA Manual course, the
Elementary English course was held. One class per week lasting
1.5 hours. As part of the Elementary English course, the following
were studied: Just an Ordinary Day, Present Simple, Present
Simple (he/she/it) It's a special job, Present Simple Revision. Flea
Market, Holiday Time, Traveling Time! Present Continuous,
Traveling. Go, go on, go for, go to, Which country did you visit last
year? Past Simple (regular verbs), My Weekend, Last Weekend.
Past Simple. Irregular verbs, Comparatives. Digital Dialogues,
Comparatives (2‑3 syllable words). Technologies, Shopping, Shop
til you drop.

Dec 2023 - Apr 2024 Advanced
Hillel It School, Dnipro, Ukraine
QA Manual: Two 2‑hour lessons per week. The course covered:
Fundamentals of testing, Software requirements and their
properties, Representation and identification of requirements,
Levels and types of testing, Test documentation, Testing
techniques, Defects. Report a bug, Jira System, Web Basics.
Client‑server architecture, Web applications. HTML, CSS, JS, API
Testing. Swagger, API Testing. Postman, Features of testing web
applications, Features of testing desktop applications, Features of
testing mobile applications, Practice with the TestRail system, Test
reports. Metrics, Security testing, Performance testing, Exploratory
testing, Test management, Developing a test plan, Software
development methodologies, Agile. Scrum, development
methodologies. Kanban. Retrospective practice, Version control
system and continuous integration, Databases. SQL, SQL.
Practice of requests for data sampling, Basics of automated
testing, Automation, artificial intelligence in testing. Q&A.
Certificate of successful completion of the QA
Manual(advanced) course:

Apr 2023 - Jun 2023 Advanced
Hillel It School, Dnipro, Ukraine
Machine Learning(ML): Two 2‑hour lessons per week. The
course included: Introduction to ML problems, NumPy, Pandas,
Pandas (Data Visualisation). Feature Engineering, Linear
Regression, Regularization, ML metrics. Metric models, Rectifying
spaces, class imbalance, Decision trees, SVM. Clustering,
Dimensionality reduction, Time series, Working with text,
Fundamentals of neural networks, CNN, Seq‑To‑Seq,
Transformers, Diffusion models, OpenCV, Reinforcement learning.
Certificate of successful completion of the Machine
Learning(advanced) course:

Nov 2022 - Mar 2023 Advanced
Hillel It School, Dnipro, Ukraine
Python Pro: Two 2‑hour lessons per week. The following were
studied within the course: Software, bash, pip, Version control
systems: overview, git, git flow, conflicts. Flask, REST, Flask ‑
Database, Context Manager, writing to the database, Debugger,
threads, processes, Threading, multiprocessing, Celery, Docker,
Docker Compose, SqlAlchemy, SQL Alchemy ‑ postgres, external
API, Migrations, Flask Sessions, Django, Django ‑ database,
Django Query, URLs, templates, Django session and users,
Connecting users, Testing, Django Tests Fixtures, aiohttp, aiohttp
in practice, MongoDB, Adding a bot, aiohttp Session, Cloud (AWS,
GCP, Azure).
Certificate of successful completion of the Python
Pro(advanced) course: https://certificate.ithillel.ua/view/32788388

Aug 2022 - Oct 2022 Basic
Hillel It School, Dnipro, Ukraine
Python Basic: Two classes per week lasting 2 hours. The course
included: Git, Operators. Construction IF, Loops, Strings. Random.
Regular expressions, Lists, tuples, sets, Dictionaries. namedtuple.
Functions, Binary number system. Bitwise operations, Sorting
algorithms, Classes, Excluded processing, DRY.KISS.SOLID,
Working with files, Memory.GIL. And a little about software
development methodologies, Requests, Scraping.
Certificate of successful completion of the Python Basic
course: https://certificate.ithillel.ua/view/34673072

Sep 2015 - Jun 2019 Bachelor
Kharkiv National University named after Ya. Mudry, Kharkiv,
Faculty: Law

Sep 2007 - Jun 2012 Specialist
Krivoy Rog Construction College, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Design engineer: Design of residential and industrial
buildings(Autotsad, Architsad, ArСon).And also as part of the
internship from the educational institution, I can: painting,
plastering surfaces, puttying surfaces, finishing surfaces.


Flask, Django, AioHTTP

SQLite, PostgreSQL,

Jira, TestReal, TestCaseLab
Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-
learning, Matplotlib,
TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK,

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