Резюме від 10 червня 2024 PRO


Project Manager (Product, Delivery), 80 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
42 роки
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Контактна інформація

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Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Head of PMO, COO, Product Manager, HR, Business Analyst

з 08.2020 по 06.2023 (2 роки 10 місяців)
Black Cat Technology, Київ (IT)

• Coordination of technical characteristics, monetary and time parameters of the project;
• Project management: Planning, monitoring and executing projects in compliance with deadlines and budgets;
• Organizational development strategy, sales models, marketing policy, price range, discounts and promotions;
• Searching and attracting new employees, including posting vacancies and conducting interviews;
• Hiring and onboarding developers and other specialists;
• Coordination of the work of developers, sales managers, reports from them;
• Salary and compensation for developers: payroll calculation, management of bonus programs and compensation;
• Team leadership: Motivating and supporting the team, resolving conflicts, resolving problems;
• Control of the creation and support of a package of modern sales materials and project documentation;
• Operations management: Organizing the daily operations of the company, ensuring the efficient operation of all departments;
• Business process development: Analysis and optimization of business processes to increase productivity and reduce costs;
• Financial management: Monitoring budgets, managing financial flows, controlling expenses;
• Analysis, control and optimization of development and sales technologies;
• Working with the B2B, B2C market;
• Analysis of the market, prices, competitors, formation of reasonable competition and partnerships with competitors.

• Optimized agency and participant profiles on Upwork;
• We have entered into partnerships with other organizations (B2B, B2C) that provide us with new projects and want to hire our developers for their projects;
• More than 30 completed projects

Project Manager, Business Development Team Leader

з 06.2019 по 03.2020 (9 місяців)
OXNP (https://marketing.oxnp.com/#home), IZZI (https://izzi.studio/), Киев (The company specializes in the design, creation, development and implementation of web products for the customer, as well as the sale of outsourcing/outstaff.)

•Sales services for foreign companies in the area UpWork;
•Matching of technical specifications, money and time parameters of the project;
•Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Analysis, control and optimization technology sales;
•Work with the market B2B, B2C;
•Visits to seminars and conferences of Upwork-Ukraine, specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors.

•Created, filled and optimized of profiles on UpWork;
•Entered into a partnership with other organizations (B2B market), who are willing to invite in new projects;
•Development of UpWork Account to TOP RATED, 10+ completed projects, 5 promising projects

Business Development Team Leader, Project Manager

з 02.2017 по 03.2019 (2 роки 1 місяць)
Freelancer as PM, analyst, Київ (IT)

- development of the idea, structure and monetization of Startup project "Home Services"
- optimization of business processes in the holding, a complete update of the web-platform
- client from London, UK: Development of web-platform with extensive analytics on the order / delivery of food from restaurants in England to university students

Business Development Team Leader, Project Manager

з 02.2016 по 12.2016 (10 місяців)

•Sales services for foreign companies in the area UpWork;
•Matching of technical specifications, money and time parameters of the project;
•Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Analysis, control and optimization technology sales;
•Work with the market B2B, B2C;
•Visits to seminars and conferences of Upwork-Ukraine, specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors.

•Created, filled and optimized of profiles on site UpWork;
•Entered into a partnership with other organizations (B2B market), who are willing to invite in new projects;
•5 completed projects + 7 promising projects.

Business Development Manager

з 09.2015 по 12.2015 (3 місяці)
QODEROOM LLC, Киев (Design, creation, development and implementation of software products)

•Sales services for foreign companies in the areas UpWork(ODesk), Guru, Freelancer;
•Matching of technical specifications, money and time parameters of the project;
•Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Analysis, control and optimization technology sales;
•Work with the market B2B, B2C;
•Visits to seminars and conferences of Upwork-Ukraine, specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors.

•Created, filled and optimized of profiles on sites UpWork(ODesk), Guru, Freelancer;
•Entered into a partnership with other organizations (B2B market), who are willing to invite in new projects;
•5 promising projects.

Project Manager, Business Development Expert, Key Account Manager

з 04.2015 по 06.2015 (2 місяці)
AURORA LTD, Киев (Retail)

•Sales services for foreign companies in the areas UpWork(ODesk), Guru, Elance, Freelancer;
•Matching of technical specifications, money and time parameters of the project;
•Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Analysis, control and optimization technology sales;
•Work with the market B2B, B2C;
•Visits to specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors.

•Created and filled with profiles on sites UpWork(ODesk), Guru, Elance, Freelancer;
•Entered into a partnership with other organizations (B2B market);
•Made estimation and outlined steps of the project “Online Testing”.

Project Manager, Business Development Expert, Key Account Manager

з 01.2014 по 01.2015 (1 рік)
S&T Ukraine LTD, Киев (System integrator, design and implementation of corporate integrated information systems, complex network and telecommunication solutions in banking and other financial sectors)

•Management of projects, Sales for the CEO, Dep.CEO, CIO of banks in Ukraine;
•Presentations, contracts with VIP-clients, monitoring cash receipts the fixed assets;
• Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Financial analysis, control and optimization technology sales, construction of schedules and reporting;
•Work with the market B2B, B2C;
•Visits to specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors;
•Organizing and conducting trainings and conferences for leading banks in Ukraine;
•Preparation of documentation and analysis of information on tenders, participation in tenders;

•Implemented with banks 4 large-scale projects with a total cost of about 4 million usd.
•Financial analysis of the cost of operations and logistic allowed to optimize product pricing and increase profits.
•Projects are planned for 2015, worth about 8 million usd.

Project Manager, Business Development Expert

з 05.2013 по 12.2013 (7 місяців)
Art-Bank LTD, Киев (Developer and seller of software for the retail and corporate banking systems)

•Management of projects, Sales for the CEO, Dep.CEO, CIO of banks in Ukraine;
•Presentations, contracts with VIP-clients, monitoring cash receipts the fixed assets;
• Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Analysis, control and optimization technology sales, construction of schedules and reporting;
•Work with the market B2B, B2C;
•Visits to specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors;
•Organizing and conducting trainings and conferences for leading banks in Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan;
•Preparation of documentation and analysis of information on tenders, participation in tenders;

•Developed presentation materials for the product, defined strategy for its promotion in the market, conclusion of a new product on the market.
•Designed, organized and held a seminar presentation product for heads of banks.
•Signed a partnership agreement with the leading manufacturers of automated banking systems.
•Financial analysis of the cost of operations and logistic allowed to optimize product pricing and increase profits.
•Signed contracts with banks worth about 2 000 000 usd.

Head of Sales and Development

з 05.2012 по 05.2013 (1 рік)
Sattrans Navigator LLC, Киев (Developer and seller of equipment and services GPS-monitoring of transport)

•Development, implementation and sale of various projects GPS-monitoring services;
•Presentations, contracts with VIP-clients, monitoring cash receipts the fixed assets;
•Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Sales management, regional offices, analysis, control and optimization of;
•The organization of compliance control, the formation of motivation policy subordinates, monitoring performance of official duties, the selection of candidates for new jobs;
•The formation of policies to attract dealers and sales agents, control of their work; work with the market B2B;
•Visits to specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Coordination and optimization of all departments of the company involved in the automation of business processes based on the platform Terrasoft;
•Market and financial analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors;
•Organizing and conducting trainings and events in the company in order to improve of psychological climate in the team, the interaction between departments, employee motivation, increase in the level of sales, the identification of violations of employees in the compliance process organization;
•Find reliable foreign and Ukrainian manufacturers, negotiations, coherence best prices and models of collaboration; recommendations manufacturing partners to improve the functionality of the equipment;
•The search for alternative revenue generation companies, coordination of new projects;
•Development, implementation and development of the project on urban transport, a single e-ticket, the active co-operation with government of cities, with the Cabinet of Ministers of Crimea, private carriers;
•Preparation of documentation and analysis of information on tenders, participation in tenders;

•Organized sales department from scratch.
•Selected and trained staff.
•Developed and implemented training sessions for sales personnel.
•Developed system of motivation and KPI-system.
•Inspected the effectiveness of the company's branches in other cities.
•Optimize and automate the work of all departments of the company.
•Fulfilled the plan Sales. Signed a partnership agreement with dealers.
•Financial analysis and reducing production costs and logistics made it possible to optimize product pricing, increase production volume and profits.
• Developed and implemented a system of GPS-coordination of public transport in the city. The project was implemented in 2 cities worth about 2.5 million usd. With all another major cities have signed cooperation agreements.

Head of a sales department

з 09.2010 по 02.2012 (1 рік 5 місяців)
ISTRIM LLC, Киев (Developer, the manufacturer and the seller of equipment and services GPS-monitoring of transport)

•Development, implementation and sale of various projects GPS-monitoring services;
•Presentations, contracts with VIP-clients, monitoring cash receipts the fixed assets;
•Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Sales management, regional offices, analysis, control and optimization of;
•The organization of compliance control, the formation of motivation policy subordinates, monitoring performance of official duties, the selection of candidates for new jobs;
•The formation of policies to attract dealers and sales agents, control of their work; work with the market B2B;
•Visits to specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Coordination and optimization of all departments of the company involved in the automation of business processes based on the platform Terrasoft;
•Financial and Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors;
•Organizing and conducting trainings and events in the company in order to improve of psychological climate in the team, the interaction between departments, employee motivation, increase in the level of sales, the identification of violations of employees in the compliance process organization;
•Find reliable foreign and Ukrainian manufacturers, negotiations, coherence best prices and models of collaboration; recommendations manufacturing partners to improve the functionality of the equipment;
•The search for alternative revenue generation companies, coordination of new projects;
•Control of manufacture of the navigating equipment and working out of strategy of advancement of a product in Ukraine;
•Preparation of documentation and analysis of information on tenders, participation in tenders;

•Organized sales department from scratch.
•Selected and trained staff.
•Fulfilled the plan Sales. Signed a partnership agreement with dealers.
•Financial analysis and reducing production costs and logistics made it possible to optimize product pricing, increase production volume and profits.
•Developed an automated transport management system of the city and implemented, project cost one million usd.

Top manager of Sales

з 06.2007 по 01.2010 (2 роки 7 місяців)
Navionika LLC, Киев (Distributor of leading brands of GPS navigation devices)

•Wholesale selling a navigation on all territory of Ukraine;
•Presentations, contracts with VIP-clients, monitoring cash receipts the fixed assets;
•Development strategy for the organization, models, sales, marketing policies, price ranges, stock discounts;
•Creation and support package to date sales materials;
•Search of new dealers, conclusion of treaties, conduct of primary book-keeping;
•Fight against competitors and dempingators in this market segment;
•The formation of policies to attract dealers and sales agents, control of their work; work with the market B2B;
•Visits to specialized and industry exhibitions, forums in order to attract customers and partners;
•Organization of exhibitions, presentations and educational seminars on a product and business;
•Financial and Market analysis, prices, competitors, the formation of reasonable competition and partnership relations with competitors;

•Fulfilled the plan Sales.
•Financial analysis of logistic allowed to optimize product pricing and increase profits.
•Signed a partnership agreement with about 100 dealers.
•Increased sales to 300 000 usd per month.

Manager of Sales and Projects

з 09.2000 по 05.2007 (6 років 8 місяців)
Different IT-companies, Киев (Sellers of computer equipment)

•Sales of computer equipment and services;
•The study of technology sales at seminars and trainings;

•Fulfilled the plan Sales.
•Was awarded in the trading network of hypermarkets of electronics as the best seller of the year.
•Studied a lot of sales training and received certificates.


Kryvy Rig Technical University

Information Technology, Economic Cybernetics, Kryvy Rig
Вища, з 2002 по 2003 (10 місяців)

Master of Economy (Secured 100%)

Kryvy Rig Technical University

Information Technologies, Economic Cybernetics, Kryvy Rig
Вища, з 1997 по 2002 (4 роки 10 місяців)

Bachelor, specialist, economist of information systems (Secured 86%)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Certificate of Training by Samsung "Sales Samsung Note PC"

2004, 1 месяц

Certificate of Training by XEROX "Small office equipment. Selling skills"

2004, 1 месяц

Certificate of Training by Cisco "IDEA for Russian & CIS Partners 2014"

2014, 3 месяца

Certificate of "Basics of QA"

2015, 1 месяц

Certificate of "Fundamentals of Information Security"

2015, 1 месяц

Certificate of "Fundamentals of Economics (newest course)"

2015, 1 месяц

Certificate of "Information War"

2015, 1 месяц

Certificate of "PR-Management"

2015, 1 месяц

Certificate of "Principles of state policy"

2015, 1 месяц

Chat GPT


Google Program "E-commerce and Digital Marketing"


Знання і навички

MS Office Windows Adobe Photoshop 1C SQL Mathcad Операционные системы Autodesk 3ds Max База данных MS SQL Server Ведение отчетности Delphi Terrasoft CRM Pascal Operating systems Database MS Visual Studio Reporting Turbo Pascal Great communicative and management skills Staff recruitment, development and implementation of training Head of Sales, team management, financial analysis and reporting Sales/Management of marketplaces UpWork(Odesk), Guru, Freelancer Sales of IT-equipment, services and solutions, IT-Projects Business process automation experience, implementation of KPI Sales of GPS-technology, optimization of urban infrastructure Experience of Start-Up Projects, organization of exhibitions Управління ІТ-проєктами Уміння аналізувати Управлінські навички Trello

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вище середнього
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

•Great communication and management skills, staff recruitment and training, development and implementation of training.
•7+ years of team management, business/financial analysis and reporting, Head of PMO/Product, Head of Sales.
•7+ years in Sales/Management of marketplaces UpWork(Odesk), Guru, Elance, Freelancer.
•10+ years in Sales of IT-equipment, services and solutions in the markets B2C, B2B, analysis of the market and competitors, strong experience in IT-projects management, Project/Product Manager of IT-projects from 500 000 usd.
•Business process automation experience, development and implementation KPI-systems, optimization of interaction between departments, employee motivation, increase in the level of sales, the identification of violations of employees in the compliance process organization.
•7+ years in Sales of GPS-technology, optimization of urban infrastructure, farms, factories.
•Experience of Start-Up Projects, organization of exhibitions, presentations and educational seminars on a product and business.
•Personal abilities: leadership skills, analytical thinking, creatively come to work, fast learning, the pursuit of development and growth, optimist.
•Hobbies: philosophy, psychology, science, history, sport, travel and tourism, Kung Fu.

Схожі кандидати

Проєктний менеджер, project manager, керівник проєкту
25000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ , ще 3 міста

Product Owner, Product/Project Manager (eCommerce, Web)
Дистанційно, Київ

Руководитель IT-департамента, проекта, Project Manager, PM
28000 грн, Дистанційно, Горішні Плавні, Кременчук

PMP, CSM, SAFe, Project Manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner
Дистанційно, Київ

Project-менеджер, product manager
35000 грн, Дистанційно, Дніпро , ще 5 міст

Усі схожі кандидати

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