Резюме від 16 травня 2024 PRO


Copywriter (Amazon, Listing, SEO), 40 000 грн

Неповна зайнятість.
44 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Freelance copywriter

з 01.2018 по нині (6 років 5 місяців)
Amazon copywriter - Freelance, Київ (Retail)


•Listing copywriting
•SEO optimization of the listing
•Listing optimization recommendations
•Photo content strategy and control
•Keys research (Helium, Amazon best sellers )
•Keys relevance research
•Old listings update
•Technical marketing task for designer and photographer
•Listing indexation control

Amazon seller, copywriter

з 05.2017 по 03.2018 (10 місяців)
Amazon, Київ (Retail)


•Amazon account managing
•Listing copywriting
•Photo content control and managing
•Brand development (Private Label)
•Production control
•SEO optimization of the listing

Professional photographer - freelance

з 01.2016 по 03.2017 (1 рік 2 місяці)
Photography, Dubai, UAE (ЗМІ, медіа)

Position : freelance photographer, brand producer


•photographic services for tourists, locals, celebrity, famous Dubai fashion designers.
•Brand marketing and brand promoting in a new country and culture
•Social communication and connections.
•Social media communication.
•Customer service and communication
•Image editing
•Content manager
•Content copywriter

Professional photographer - freelance

з 03.2007 по 03.2017 (10 років)
Taras-studio, Київ (ЗМІ, медіа)


•photographic services in a wide variety of areas, including special events and weddings, portraiture, family and pregnancy, commercial.
•Promoter and brand manager on Kiev International Wedding Fairs (2008-2015)
•Customer base development
•Customer service manager
•Customer support
•Brand producing
•Personal brand producer
•Image editing
•Social media marketing (instagram, facebook)
•Content manager
•Direct manager
•Content copywriter

Professional photographer - Studio

з 05.2004 по 12.2006 (2 роки 7 місяців)
Taras-studio, Черкаси (Шоу-бізнес, мистецтво, культура)

Position: studio photographer


•art photo sessions
•family photography
•wedding photography
•commercial photography
•Image processing and printing
•Company promotion and marketing
•Brand producing and promotion

Achievements: studied deeply studio and outdoor photography. Reached a wide client audience. Got the experience of a very fast studio setting and shooting in a busy shedule (10 wedding couples a day)
Teacher - top ukrainian professional photographer Taras Omelchenko.

Office manager, editor, interpreter

з 04.2002 по 10.2003 (1 рік 6 місяців)
Epsos Marketing and Research, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

Position: Office manager, focus group manager, interpreter,editor


•Full office managing, schedule organization, work with clients to decipher project needs, focus group coordination, questionary translation

Achievements: efficient work in a team, work in a deadline terms, busy schedule managing, work well under pressure, organization of a company presentation.


Черкаський державний університет

Англійська мова та зарубіжна література, Черкаси
Вища, з 1996 по 2001 (5 років)

Specialty: English and German language and foreign literature

Level: Master of Linguistics
Exercises and Skills

•Deep study of English linguistics, phonetics and Grammatik
•English language practice, speaking, translation.

Achievements: speaking English fluently. Basic knowledge of German.

Знання і навички

PC User Adobe Photoshop Adobe Lightroom Helium 10 Google Docs MS Word SEO-копірайтинг SEO Рекламний копірайтинг Фотозйомка Обробка фото Ретушування Портретна зйомка Продаж на Amazon Користувач ChatGPT Збір семантичного ядра Користувач Helium10 Конкурентний аналіз

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

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