Резюме від 20 травня 2024 Файл


Deputy Chief Marketing Officer

32 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дніпро, Київ, Луцьк

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту, Facebook та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Denis Nikishov

Lutsk, Kyiv, Dnipro, Ukraine
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Facebook, LinkedIn
More than 5 years of experience in digital marketing. The last 3 of them are in
Date of birth
the PDL market. I familiar with all the main sources of customer acquisition from
15.04.1992 online and offline. I am able to plan, set tasks, monitor performance and evaluate
efficiency. I'm not afraid to do the work with my hands, but I believe in process
Skills automation. I have a creative instinct, an understanding of the marketing funnel
Marketing and the knowledge of how to package a product and bring it to market

Ability to Multitask

Fast Learner Employment History
Leadership Deputy Marketing Director, LLC Alexcredit, Dnipropetrovsk
Analytical Skills May 2020 — Present

Effective Time Management Responsibilities:

Ability to Work in a Team • Drawing up plans for attracting clients for a month and a year
• Analysis of the effectiveness of all marketing activities
Computer Skills
• Search for new sources of clients
Microsoft Excel • Evaluation of ROMI, LTV, CRR
Data Analysis • Creation of marketing reports
• Setting goals for customer retention specialist, copywriter, developer
Google Analytics
• Development and implementation of promotions for new and repeat
Google Ads customers. Assessment of their effectiveness
Financial Planning
Key achievements:

Developed and implemented a system of promotional codes for retention
Ukrainian In practice, proved that returned customers should be given a discount on a loan
for short periods after the loan was closed and this will not negatively affect
Russian profits.

Reorganized the work of the customer retention department, which made it
English possible to reduce costs for new customers and at the same time increase a good
loan portfolio

Hobbies Thought over, wrote the TOR and introduced a new loan application form, which
allowed increasing the CR by 15%
Skydiving, Carting, Travelling

PPC-Specialist/WEB-Analyst, LLC AlexCredit, Dnipropetrovsk
October 2018 — April 2020


- Setting up and optimization ad campaigns in Google, Yandex, Facebook
- Monitoring the implementation of KPIs by contractors

- Evaluation of the effectiveness and profitability of advertising campaigns

- Setting up analytics systems (Google Analytics, GTM, Yandex.Metrica)

- Create reports in Google Data Studio

- Control of competitors, an agreement to exclude each other's brands

- Control of webmasters from the use of advertising on the brand

Key achievements:

- In the first month, I reduced CPA for brand traffic by 13% and for non-branded
traffic by 25%

- I put in order the analytic systems, which made it possible to more accurately
evaluate advertising campaigns and marketing activities

- Set up automatic reports in Google Data Studio to assess KPIs and the
effectiveness of all departments, which freed employees from some of the
routine tasks and freed up time for higher priority tasks

- Reduced the number of webmasters who advertised by the company's brand
to almost 0, and agreed to stop advertising by brand with all major competitors,
which made it possible to further reduce the costs of delusional advertising

PPC-Specialist, Freelance, Luts’k
January 2016 — October 2018

- Search for clients.

- Planning advertising campaigns, choosing advertising tools

- Setting up and optimizing advertising campaigns.

- Analytics systems setup (from code setup to cross-domain tracking setup)

- Create visualizations in Google Data Studio, Power BI

- Reporting and analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns

Sales Manager, agrobiz.net
June 2015 — December 2016

- Search and attraction of clients. (cold calls)

- Accompanying clients

- Training of new employees

Calling the customer base with a proposal to create an online store on the
marketplace. Conclusion of contracts, control of payment and management of
the client throughout the entire period of cooperation

Vadym Egorov from LLC Alexcredit
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