Резюме від 11 жовтня 2023 PRO


Customer support representative

Повна зайнятість.
25 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Insurance qualifier/ Customer support specialist

з 06.2021 по нині (3 роки)
Insurance Supermarket INC, Miami, Florida, USA (Finance, banking, and insurance)

• Assessing and qualifying clients for insurance products and policies
• Proper documentation of customer details for easy access.
• Connecting of customers with legal representatives and professionals at the firm.
• Created a more efficient way of improving customer feedback and general handling process by 50%
• Providing prospective clients with information about the firm.
• Maintaining positive rapport with existing and potential customers.

Customer Service Agent

з 03.2018 по 03.2020 (2 роки)
Front Desk helpers, Київ (Готельно-ресторанний бізнес)

• Addressed customer complaints and mitigated dissatisfaction by employing timely and effective solutions.
• Coordinated and tracked materials movements to and from customers by liaising with drivers.
• Maintained accurate and current customer account data)
• Addressed customer complaints and mitigated dissatisfaction by employing timely and effective solutions.
• Coordinated and tracked materials movements to and from customers by liaising with drivers.
• Maintained accurate and current customer account data

Online ESL Tutor

з 04.2017 по 04.2019 (2 роки)
Skyeng, Вінниця (Education and science)

• Teach English online via skype to children, young adults and adults from Asia,Russia and other
parts of the world by using lesson flow provided by company
• Have a free conversation in English with my students as they choose.
• Providing feedback to students using positive reinforcement techniques to encourage, motivate,
and build confidence.
• Regularly attain online teachers training to improve class room delivery to students. .

Freight Agent

з 02.2017 по 01.2018 (11 місяців)
Pro Movers, Вінниця (Transport)

• managing diaries and organizing meetings and appointments, often controlling access to my
• booking and arranging travel, transport and accommodation
• organizing events and conferences
• reminding the executive of important tasks and deadlines
• typing, compiling and preparing reports, presentations and correspondence
• managing databases and filing systems
• implementing and maintaining procedures/administrative systems


Vinnytsya National Memorial Medical University

Medicine and Surgery, Вінниця
Вища, з 2015 по 2021 (6 років)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Alison Online Academy: Fundamentals of Corporate Management


Знання і навички

MS Office Slack Technical support Work with clients Google Workspace Google Ability to analyze Verbal and written communication: English Client assessment and analysis

Знання мов

Англійська — вільно

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Customer support agent (Intercom, Zoho, Omnydesk, Live Chat, Help Desk)
23500 грн, Дистанційно, Луцьк

Technical Support, IT Technician, Web developer, help desk manager
25000 грн, Дистанційно, Рівне

Customer support representative, Dispatch Agent, Personal Assistant

Customer support representative, sales agent
15000 грн, Дистанційно, Харків

Customer support representative
Дистанційно, Київ

Customer support representative

Усі схожі кандидати

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