Резюме від 17 березня 2024 Файл



39 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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Tamara Khmara
QA Engineer 📞 [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (Viber)
2.3 years of experience 📞 [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (Telegram)
📧 [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Ukrainian (native)
Europe (remote) English (intermediate)
From Ukraine

Summary  Experienced QA Engineer. 2.3 years of professional
expertise in the InformationTechnology industry, specializing
in Quality Assurance
 Extensive background in manual testing of WEB and Mobile
application, with a concentration on testing implementations
and focus areas. Diverse expertise in software testing and
quality assurance skills, including test strategy and planning.

 Establishing and overseeing processes in ongoing
projects or new startups, including:
 Creating and enacting quality assurance from the
 Identifying project risks.
 Monitoring and measuring quality metrics.

Most ● WEB/Mobile ● Design and development
● API/Web-services of test documentationof
relevant ● Database any abstraction layer
skills interactions ● Defects reporting,triage
(SQL) ● Requirements
● Reading and analysis/ writing
● CI/CD (Jenkins, Git)
Education: ● Process engineer, 2002 – 2007, State University of
Chemical Technology, Ukraine
● QA manual courses, 2021-2022, Hillel IT School

Work experience

Projects Activities
Onseo Media system application. ● Defined the scope of manual test
2020-2021 The application provides agency coverage for the release cycle.
partners with a visual depiction of the ● Crafted tests for novel features,
real-time progress of their campaigns encompassing both Web UI and API
in comparison to the initially ordered interfaces.
ratings or impressions. Broadcasters ● Established and managed test cases
and sales representatives collaborate for a variety of test types, including
to share broadcast logs that detail comprehensive feature tests,
which advertisements were actually integration tests, regression tests,
aired and when. The application usability tests, and user acceptance
processes these logs, aligns them tests.
with the original orders, and ● Conducted manual testing to
generates a comprehensive report uphold software quality standards.
that can be viewed at various levelsof ● Delivered project status updates to
granularity, including the campaign, stakeholders.
market, station, and program levels. ● Conducted product demonstrations
for stakeholders.
E-commerce web and mobile ● Worked closely with application users
application. and the product owner to gather
The application is a web-based and requirements and feedback.
mobile platform that facilitates the ● Maintained effective communication
sale of goods through a two-tiered e- with the product owner and the
commerce model, catering to development team.
businesses. It seamlessly integrates ● Collaborated with developers to
with various external payment ensure a thorough grasp of
processors, offers automated tax requirements and to address any
compliance solutions, and provides issues.
shipping services. ● Contributed to test automation
initiatives by identifying suitable test
cases for automation.
● Performed risk analysis and
prioritized testing efforts based on
● Executed exploratory testing to
uncover latent defects and provide
valuable feedback.
Soft Serve LMS System. ● Crafted the QA strategy, devised test
2021-2023 A learning system designer for web, plans, and formulated test cases.
mobile and tablet platforms, ● Established robust communication
specifically customized for K-12 channels for reporting and monitoring
education. It equips teachers and bugs, diligently prioritizing defects to
students with digital tools and optimize the efficiency of the QA
resources to enhance the teaching process.
and learning experience. This ● Worked in tandem with the
comprehensive system offers a development and product teams to
range of features, including determine testing approaches,
curriculum mapping, lesson strategies, and priorities for
planning, formative assessments, various features and functionalities.
student data management, analytics, ● Fostered close collaboration
and a tutoring platform. with cross-functional teams,
including developers, product owners,
and instructional designers, to ensure
seamless communication, alignment,
and a shared understanding of
requirements, issues, and feedback.
●Identified areas for process
enhancement, proposed improvements
to testing methodologies, tools, and
techniques, and actively engaged in
retrospectives and knowledge- sharing
sessions to enhance the overall quality
and efficiency of the testing process.
● Actively engaged with stakeholders to
validate and clarify requirements,
ensuring a mutual understanding of
expected functionality and user
● Participated in requirement review
sessions, offering feedback and
seeking clarification when necessary to
align testing efforts with the desired

Polkap ● Developed, verified, and upheld
A financial management project for project documentation.
streamlining financial aspects, ● Specified the extent of manual test
encompassing income, expenses, coverage for the release cycle.
loans, and borrowings. This solution ● Provided estimates for tasks related
delivers precise data calculations, to QA activities.
user-friendly import/export ● Devised tests for the API interface
functionality, and a seamless user features.
experience. ● Conducted manual testing to affirm
the software's functionality.
● Delivered project status updates to
●Maintained effective communication
with the development team.
● Executed integration testing to ensure
seamless interaction between software
● Performed various testing types,
including functional, smoke, sanity,
acceptance, and regression testing.
● Analyzed and collected server logs
for troubleshooting and analysis
purposes. Conducted product
demonstrations for stakeholders to
showcase its features and functionality.

 Operating Systems: MS Windows, Linux
skilset Mint/Fedora/Ubuntu, MacOS, Android OS, iOS
 Software Engineering Management: Confluence, Jira,
Redmine, TargetProcess, Trello, TestRail, Google Docs :)
 CI/CD: Jenkins, Gitlab, TeamCity
 Monitoring tools: Elasticsearch, Zabbix, and Sentry.
 E-commerce: Hybris, Google Analytics, Opencart
 Development Processes: Acceptance Test-Driven
Development/Behaviour Driven Development, KANBAN,
Test-Driven Development, SCRUM, Pair Programming,
Waterfall model
 Office Software: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, PowerPoint
General: Leadership, Teamplay, Business correspondence,
Conflict solving, Management, Negotiations,Touch Typing

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати


Дніпро, Запоріжжя , ще 6 міст

Дніпро, Харків

Junior Java Developer (QA Manual)
Дніпро, Київ, Кам'янське

Junior manual QA engineer
15000 грн, Дніпро, Дистанційно

Trainee QA Manual Engineer
7000 грн, Дніпро, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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Кандидати за містами

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