Резюме від 15 травня 2024 PRO


Junior Project Manager

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
32 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Дніпро

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Invoicing specialist

з 01.2021 по 11.2023 (2 роки 10 місяців)
BooksTime, Дніпро (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

worked at the position of the Invoicing Specialist at the Invoicing Department. My responsibilities
• communication with the clients
• to add new clients in the Zoho CRM;
• create and send invoices for the provided services to the clients;
• process payments in Zoho Invoice, Stripe and QBO;
• A/R reporting
• Fixed-fee clients reporting
• QBO subscription reporting
I worked as an Admin of the Client Service team and was responsible for obtaining bank statements and reports from the banks and clients’ systems. I have an experience in running payroll in Paylocity payroll system.
Also, I have an experience in providing 1099 services (starting with preparation of the list of vendors and the final stage - filing 1099 forms and sending the issues 1099s to the clients.
I worked as the specialist in the Zoho Systems mainly with Zoho CRM, Zoho Projects and Zoho People. I was in constant communication with our bookkeepers, managers and leadership as I provided required reports and was responsible for filing the specific fields by certain team members.
More than a year, I was leading the learning and training process in the company. My
responsibilities were:
• To update the existing training material and add the new one in the LMS as well as update
the policies;
• Develop the individual learning plan for the new employees;
• Create the weekly quizzes on a weekly basis;
• Prepare the individual reports for each Team members;
• Prepare the reports for the leadership;
• Monitor the completeness of the learning plans;
• Help new employees with the training process;
• Train the chat bot and update the existing training material in the Bot knowledge base;
• Participation in the training question project – collect the questions and find answers
according to the list of available questions/topics;
• Constant communication with the team.

Sales manager

з 09.2016 по 01.2017 (4 місяці)
ALUPRO LLC, Київ (Металургійна промисловість, металообробка)

My responsibilities were :
search of the potential clients (European market);
• communication with the clients – email, phone;
• conclusion of the contract;
• support of the clients;
• control over the timely fulfillment of contract agreements by the clients;
• Identifying emerging markets to find new sales opportunities
• coordination of document flow of logistics processes;
• work with customs and customs brokers;
• work with carriers;
• translation of the company web-site;
• preparation and participation in the international exhibition.

Client manager

з 11.2015 по 09.2016 (10 місяців)
State Enterprise "Document", Дніпро (Державні організації)

Main responsibilities were:
• communication with the clients;
• document processing and document support;
• the preparation the list of important documents for the migration service (for issuing a foreign passport and a passport of a citizen of Ukraine).

Sales manager

з 08.2015 по 11.2015 (3 місяці)
Brovary Alluminium Plant LLC, Бровари (Металургійна промисловість, металообробка)

My responsibilities were :
• work with the existing client database;
• search of the potential clients;
• communication with the clients;
• conclusion of the contracts;
• Handling and resolving customer complaints regarding a product or service
• Setting discount rates and determining price schedules
• Identifying emerging markets to find new sales opportunities
• Developing sales Programs and finding new markets.

Customer service manager

з 04.2015 по 07.2015 (3 місяці)
Interpipe LLC, Дніпро (Металургійна промисловість, металообробка)

The functional responsibilities were:
• documentary support of sales;
• preparation the shipment documents;
• A/R reporting;
• prepare of the tender documentation for participation in tenders.
• Communication with the clients.

Sales manager, deputy head of the sales department

з 08.2013 по 04.2015 (1 рік 8 місяців)
State Enterprise "Powder Metallurgy Plant", Бровари (Металургійна промисловість, металообробка)

I worked as the Sales manager starting August 2013 - December 2014.
Starting December 2014 worked as the Deputy Head of the Marketing and Sales Department. My
responsibilities were:
• search of the potential clients (European market);
• communication with the clients – email, phone;
• conclusion of the contract;
• support of the clients;
• control over the timely fulfillment of contract agreements by the clients;
• Identifying emerging markets to find new sales opportunities
• coordination of document flow of logistics processes;
• work with customs and customs brokers;
• work with carriers;
• translation of the company web-site;
• organization of marketing research;
• prepare of the shipment documents;
• prepare of the commercial offers
• Leading & building capacity development of sales team by ensuring the succession planning of each position.
• Develop and execute the tactical plans to meet defined goals.


- Oles Honchar National University – 2013 -2015

Language and Literature ( English/German), Дніпро
Вища, з 2013 по 2015 (2 роки)

Complete Higher Education in speciality '' Language and Literature (English), qualification of
Philologist-researcher, University Instructor

Dniproperovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V.Lazaryan

Translation, Дніпро
Вища, з 2008 по 2013 (5 років)

Complete Higher Education in the speciality "Translator of Scientific and Technical Literature"

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Hillel IT School- Project Management Course

2023-2024, 2,5 місяці

Знання і навички

Agile Scrum Kanban Project planning Work with clients Zoho CRM Zoho Invoice Sales WBS Task management PM tool knowledge Waterfall Gannt chart MS Office Invoicing Process management LMS system Communication plan Risk management Communicability Business communication Conclusion of contracts Exhibition preparation

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Німецька — середній

Додаткова інформація

I don't have a huge experience in project management as I've just completed project management courses but I have client service experience and would be happy to develop my professional skills and I will do my best for the company growth.

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