Резюме від 11 червня 2024 Файл


English teacher

28 років

Контактна інформація

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Файл містить ще 1 сторінку

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Personal profile Statement
Dedicated, resourceful and goal-driven professional educator with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of every child. Additionally I am an accommodating and versatile individual with the talent to develop inspiring hands-on lessons that will capture a child's imagination and breed success. Also a highly motivated, enthusiastic and dedicated educator who wants all children to be successful learners. Lastly, I am committed to creating a classroom atmosphere that is stimulating and encouraging to students
I appreciate diversity in my work environment and relish new challenges. Thus, I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to work for your organisation upholding your mission and vision.
Work Experience
2023 - Present ; English Teacher at English Friends School in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Dedicated Online Teacher who is very experienced in creating effective online lesson plans for a variety of subjects. Adept at customizing lesson plans for small classes, assisting students in their studies, and making sure that the proper class materials are available at all times.
• Can successfully handle small and large classes
• Extremely computer and Internet literate
• Excellent communication and customer service skills
• Dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and accessible classes possible
• Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills
• Reliable teacher who is always there for students
• Improving learning by planned instruction.
• Diagnosing learning needs.
• Prescribing content delivery through class activities.
• Assessing learning.
• Reporting outcomes to administrators and parents and guardians.
• Evaluating the effects of instruction.
Skills ;
• communication
• listening
• collaboration
• adaptability
• empathy
• patience.
2020 – Present Subsistence Farming Mushrooms
The personal project offered an off season work option
Direct marketing – this allowed me to sell produce at the “price optimal” to the customers
Organic growing
2018 -2019 Safaricom Fibre Promoter
Worked in a highly pressurized working environment with a diverse range of customers
Exceeded sales targets by implementing sales techniques and applications of sales training methods
Generated sales prospects
Increased customers acquisition levels
2017 – 2018 Sameer Agriculture
Description: Introduction of Creambell yoghurt to the market and Merchandise
Liaised with a diverse range of customers and providing assistance as required
Worked with a team of retail and stockroom staff as well as working alone to achieve objectives
Ensured that the shelves were well stocked and the stock retailed effectively with out of date or damaged stock being removed from sale
Maintained a clean and healthy working environment by following all health and safety procedures as well as ensuring that hygiene was always maximum
2015 - 2019 Bachelor of Science Dryland Resource Management - Egerton University
• Second Class Degree
Relevant Modules/ Core qualifications:
• Environmental policy
• Harvest planning
• Resource utilization
• Equipment management
• Administration
• Crop rotation
• Teamwork
• Organization
2014 – 2015 Computer Short Course
Applicable Modules:
• Office Productivity Software
• Understanding Spreadsheets
• Word Processing
• Power point and Presentations
• Understanding Databases
2011 – 2014 High school Certificate – Moi Girls’ Nairobi
• Grade Achieved - B
2002 – 2010 Primary Education – Roreen Junior School
• Grade Achieved – A-
• Communication skills – Through working with a wide variety of employees I have learned how to improve my verbal and written communication. Making sure information is fully understood and passed on effectively.
• Organisation – I have improved my ability to sort through electronic and paper files, and systematically process them. I have also been able to improve one of the systems used by my team to help workflow and efficiency.
• Knowledgeable and experienced in Sustainable Development Goals
• Proficiency in English and Kiswahili languages
• Interpersonal skills
• Management and problem solving skills

To be provided upon request

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