Резюме від 21 травня 2024 Файл


Engineer of technical supervision

45 років
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Сайт поиска работы №1 в Украине

Резюме от 7 августа 2023
Романенко Роман Петрович
Steel engineer
Полная занятость.
Возраст:44 года
Город проживания:Донецк
Готов работать:Другие страны
Контактная информация
Адрес:Skype: romaromanenko7
Телефон:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Эл. почта:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Опыт работы
Specialist in continuous pouring of steel on Сontinuous Сasting Machine
с 08.2022 по наст. время (1 год)
AlAnmaa, Al-Zubair, Irak (Manufacturing)
Ensuring compliance with technological process, the temperature-speed mode and also the parameters influencing quality of the cast preparation on CCM.
Senior Shift Production Foreman (Shift Supervisor)
с 05.2017 по 10.2021 (4 года 5 месяцев)
YMZ, Donetsk (Steel production)
Organization of production activities of all process areas, ensuring the fulfillment of planned tasks, coordination of work of all production areas.
Specialist in continuous pouring of steel on Сontinuous Сasting Machine
с 06.2014 по 08.2015 (1 год 2 месяца)
AlAnmaa, Al-Zubair, Irak (Manufacturing)
Ensuring compliance with technological process, the temperature-speed mode and also the parameters influencing quality of the cast preparation on CCM.
Shift production foreman on Сontinuous Сasting Machine.
с 11.2004 по 09.2014 (9 лет 10 месяцев)
“SC (private) DESP”, former “MSP ”Istil(Ukraine)”, Donetsk (metal production)
Direct the staff rationally divide up duties among them. Control over timely and quality performance of the duties by the staff. Provide safe conditions of job increase productivity. Provide fulfillment of plan tasks. To avoid waste and downtime of equipment.
Work activity in ESD started as a caster steel (fourth class), achieved all crossed job professions on CCM: (a gas burner, an operator of main post, a caster steel (steel ladle), a caster steel (senior)). During holiday substituted for senior foreman on CCM.
In 2008 I was rewarded by Certificate of Honor for honorable work, high level qualification, essencial personal contribution in the development of metal industry and with connection of metal and mine worker’s day.
In 2011 I was announced for essencial contribution in the development of metal production, high industrial achievements and in honor of celebration of metal and mine worker’s day.
Gas burner
с 09.1997 по 11.2004 (7 лет 2 месяца)
“MSP “Istil (Ukraine)”, Donetsk (metal production)
Fulfil cutting scrap-metal with an oxufuel cutter.
I’m well experienced in cutting steel and cast iron ingets with an oxugen tube.
I achieved all crossed job professions press-shears operator.
I have an experience in directing a crew.
DNTU, Mechanical equipment (Specialist), Donetsk.
Высшее, с 2011 по 2012 (1 год)
• Undergraduate
September 2008-June 2011
DNTU, Mechanical, Engineer mechanic (bachelor), Donetsk.
• College
September 2000-June 2003
DEMC, Operating and repairing equipments of metal plants (Junior specialist)
• College
September 1994-June 1997
PTS №18, Electric gas burner, Donetsk.
Знания и навыки
Пользователь ПК, MS Office, Пользователь Internet, PC User, MS Excel, Internet User, Grammatically correct speech, MS Word, Windows
Дополнительная информация
November 2008-still present time shift foreman in casting (a bar mill) at operation strip of production.
December 2006-November 2008 a founding worker (steel ladle) 6th class LCS “MSP” ISTIL (Ukraine)
September 2005-Desember 2006 a founding worker 5th class LCS “MSP” ISTIL (Ukraine)
November 2004-August 2005 a founding worker 4th class. LCS “MSP” ISTIL (Ukraine)
August 1999-October 2004 a gas cutter LCS “MSP” ISTIL (Ukraine)
March 1998-June 1999 a gas cutter “DMP”
September 1997-February 1998 a gas cutter “Metal Ukraine Still”
June 1997-September 1997 electric-gas burner “MSTW MMHA Ukraine Donetsk region”
September 1994-June1997 PTS №18

Резюме кандидата размещено по адресу: https://www.work.ua/ru/resumes/2601489/

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