Triangle Generation Humanitaire, NGO

less than 10 employees

TGH is implementing projects in Ukraine since March 2016. The organization is currently implementing a WASH program through the provision of hygiene vouchers to the populations living close to the front line in Donetska and Luhanska oblasts, in the areas under government control. In 2017, TGH plans to expend its activities, through: •A pursuit of its WASH project, through winterization and hygiene vouchers; •The implementation of a food security program running from March to December 2017, including the distribution of food vouchers to the populations living close to the front line, the conduction of «food for work» projects in close coordination with local authorities, and the distribution of cash grants to most vulnerable persons, through a partnership with local bank offices and/or post offices.

Projects are implementing in partnership with a Ukrainian organisation named " Country for Free People " (CFP). CFP is a public organization working to facilitate the engagement and integration of people’s initiatives at different levels to improve Ukrainian society and build a peaceful environment. Its peace building efforts include collecting aid and donations for people affected by the conflict; assisting displaced people and integrating them into the community; develop and introduce new methods of work with youth and the disabled; promote and develop volunteering.

TGH team is currently composed of 3 staff based in Kramatorsk: 1 Country Director, 1 Project Manager, and 1 Administrative and logistics assistant. The Project Manager Assistant will work under direct supervision of the Project Manager, and in close coordination with the staff from partner organization CFP.

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