7820 candidates last 3 months Менеджер з обробки заявок for remote work
Наталія, 17 years, Remote
Unfinished higher education
Education: 01.2024 - 01.2028: СПФ (ЖДУ, Житомир)....
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18 000 UAH
Ольга, 22 years, Remote, Chernivtsi
Higher education · Full-time, part-time
- Менеджер з продажу онлайн, магазин домашнього текстилю, 1 year
25 000 UAH
Сергій, 37 years, Remote, Kovel
Unfinished higher education · Full-time, part-time
- Менеджер, Autoliga, 4 years
40 000 UAH
Наталя, 39 years, Remote, Dnipro, Other countries
Higher education · Full-time
- Менеджер з продажу, Туризм Атлантіс Тревел, 1 year 5 months
Олена, 40 years, Remote, Cherkasy
Higher education · Full-time
- Sales manager, Yauzheva Vintage House, 3 years 8 months
3 more resumes for this candidate
- Перекладач, рерайтер (письмовий, англійська, німецька, італійська), Remote, Cherkasy, 2 hours ago
- Коректор, рерайтер, Remote, Cherkasy, 2 hours ago
- Translator, Rewriter (English, German, Italian, Finnish, Norwegian), Remote, Cherkasy, 2 hours ago
- Business card
Лілія, Remote
1 more resumes for this candidate
- Менеджер роботи з клієнтами, Remote, 3 hours ago
Amir, 25 years, Remote, Kyiv
Higher education
- Sales manager, alphatec, 4 years 3 months
Дмитрий, 43 years, Remote, Zaporizhzhia
Higher education · Full-time
- Руководитель, ФОП Беседин, 5 years 4 months
Максим, 18 years, Remote
Unfinished higher education
Education: 01.2023 - 01.2027: 141 (КПІ)....
15 000 UAH
Тетяна, 30 years, Remote, Kharkiv
Higher education · Full-time, part-time
- Direct-manager, Love in the box(подарункові бокси), 2 months