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Web developer

22 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Remote, Ternopil

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Dmytro Klymchuk

Front-End developer who learns programming himself. Able
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) to constantly learn from other developers and have
experience working in a team. I have a passion for
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
programming and continuous development with a desire to
linkedin.com apply my skills in working on a project with a team.

Self-education Python course, etc. (learning the basics of Python
from the PyQt book)
Cs50 (got a basic understanding of algorithms, C, SQL, Flask. Wrote
EDUCATION 2-3 mini projects)
DevOps (got an understanding of how networks, ansible, docker
and terraform work)
Ternopil National Technical University
JS Algorithms and Data Structures (Familiarized with and put into
Bachelor of Computer Engineering practice knowledge of JS)
2022 - now JS FrontEnd Libraries (learned the basics of React, wrote 5 mini
SSU "TVC" TNTU projects)
Junior professional bachelor
Computer Engineering PROJECTS
2020 - 2022
Mini Financial Market. Site with registration/authorization. All data
is stored in a sqlite database. It is also possible to change the old
SKILL password to a new one. When registering, the user is given an
amount that he can spend on purchasing shares. The website
searches for shares by the entered name. It is also possible to sell
HTML & CSS & JS the purchased shares. YouTube / github
PHP JS Classic Calculator. One page site. The first project is written
using the React framework. Calculates the result with sign priority.
It is possible to calculate decimal values. github
English A2-B1 Trivia Quiz. Quiz site. The project is written using React+TypeScript.
Libraries/Framework After pressing Start, a question and 4 answer options are
generated. If the user answers incorrectly, his incorrect answer will
be displayed with a red outline and the correct answer with a green
outline, respectively. The questions and answer options are read
TypeScript from the API. github

Team Leader of Marketing
Others September 2022 - June 2023
Management of a team of 4 people (introduction of routine meetings, their
observance, training and distribution of tasks.
Apache Analysis and search for potential advertising channels. In 4 months, 161
partners were contacted, of which 35 agreed to free advertising.
API Advertising results of the World Largest Lesson project - plan/fact 220/148.

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