Resume from June 19, 2024 PRO


Marketologist Projects on CNN clients from FORBES B2C B2B B2G

43 years

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Work experience

Resettlement coordinator for NGO, IGO, Embassies, diplomatic missions

from 12.2013 to now (10 years 6 months)
“Central Management Company”, property management, Киев (Недвижимость)

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Job position: Resettlement coordinator for the members of diplomatic missions & government officials, embassies, NGO’s, international intergovernmental organizations, commercial international companies’ representatives.

Employer: “Central Management Company” (25 employees)
Recommendation: Samuel Smith (Viber/Whatsapp [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section))


- Drafting and signing the lease agreements with the foreign companies and organizations (NGO, IGO, embassies, commercial international organizations)

- Verification of the security protocols

- Financial control reports

- Making presentations of the property objects for rent and purchase

- Taking control over the construction and repair of the residential and commercial real estate

- Interaction with representatives of the house administrations and city services on the issues of restoration and the city infrastructure development

- Negotiations with international investors in terms of risks of acquiring real estate, growth and development of the real estate market and governmental infrastructure

- Collaboration with TV channels (writing the plot scripts of the TV subjects on socially sensitive topics in real estate management, gathering info, fact checking, organizing groups of professionals and locations for filming; interacting with the state, administrative and communal departments). See the examples of the video reports from ukrainian “INTER” tv-channel on YouTube.

Examples of the TV reports:

TV Subject №1: From 04/02/2020, the title is
"Our rights: a dangerous neighborhood /
Наші права: небезпечне сусідство":

(The social TV report is about an illegal three-story house
extension (hostel) which was built right next to the
cabinet of the central Communal Managing
Company Director /Kiev, Ukraine, Maidan/. Аfter the
illegal premises were put into operation, the entire
house lost the proper level of heating and the speed of the
hot water supply)

TV Subject №2: From 07/07/2020, the title is
"Our rights: illegal construction /
Наші права: незаконна забудова”:

(The social TV report is about the house with "MacDonald's"on the central Maidan Square /Kiev, Ukraine/. The owner of the apartment on the top of the roof decided to illegally expand the size of the apartment and build up a penthouse under the guise of charity and roof repair. After that there was a flooding and the building
cracked along some walls)

Result: obtaining a stable monthly income for the company, preserving the architectural heritage of the country.

2016 - Author of a viral product for expansion of the market for USA retail

from 11.2013 to 01.2014 (2 months)
«Thrive Global Store», New York (Розничная торговля)

International advertisement project that was covered on CNN Business channel and Fortune Magazine channel.

Employer: Thrive Global Store, USA (a large online retail store).Arianna Huffington is the owner of the company. She is a Greek-American writer, co-founder of the Internet media "The Huffington Post", which was bought by AOL in 2011 for 315 million US dollars. Arianna Huffington was included in Time magazine's list of the 100 most powerful people in the world and Forbes' list of most powerful women.

The task was to create a prototype of a viral product stimulating sales that would help “Thrive Global Store”, a company that sells literature for a good sleep, bedding and sleep accessories, to introduce their products on not core to the company IT exhibitions in USA to a large, affluent and almost always sleepless audience of IT workers.

I was the author of the “Bed for Smartphone” product prototype, a phone stand, where people should put their phones before going to sleep.That would help kids and adults to avoid techno-dependence at night and stop using their phones before bed.

The very first release of the product prototype was in a popular russian social net “VK” in June 22-nd, 2016 and in Facebook. See “VK” promotion of the product prototypeby the link below:[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

See FACEBOOK promotion of the product prototypeby the link below:

The release of the product prototype coincided that year with the release of the game "Pokemon Go" (2016). "Bed for Smartphone" was quickly popularized in the Internet space with the successful slogan "Do you want your pokemons sleep well? Buy them the first ever Bed for Smartphone!" which received a huge response among the youth audience around the world. The idea of the product was bought by an American company selling products for good sleep.

Later, "Bed for Smartphone" got interpreted into a family multi-charger for all family members’ phones. It was called “Family Bed for Smartphones”.

By the end of the year the release of the charger was on CNN (USA, November 30-th, 2016) and Fortune Magazine Channel (USA, November 2-nd, 2016).

Watch the TV subject about the product on CNN Business Channel:

Watch the TV subject about the product on Fortune Magazine

The picture of the owner of the company with the product see by the link

Result: the product "Bed for Smartphone" contributed to the further successful promotion and increase in sales of sleep products due to access to advertising platforms of IT exhibitions that were previously inaccessible to the company. This has helped bring in additional customers, solvent but sleep-deprived IT guys who are now massively buying pillows, bed linens and literature about good sleep regime organization from the company trading sleep goods. The task was accomplished.

Internet marketer, part time job paralleled to the job in a furniture company

from 08.2010 to 11.2013 (3 years 3 months)
"Hresna" (“Godmother”- transl. from ukr. to eng.), Киев (Легкая промышленность)

Job position: Internet marketer (part time job paralleled to the main job activity of those years).
Employer: "Hresna" (“Godmother”- transl. from ukr. to eng.) Kiev, Ukraine.
The manufacturing company of textile christening goods for children; the online store of the company was established in 2010.
Recommendation: Irina Dyadik (owner), [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section),
Facebook: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
The site of the company see by the link below:


• Advertisement support: internet and print advertising
• Conducting of cross-site incoming Internet traffic of customers
• Joint banner advertisement between the internet store of textile goods for kids and sales platforms of the manufacturing polymer goods company
• Analysis of the customers' behavior who got transited from the interior and construction groups of products to the children's textile groups of products. And back. Analysis of sales growth in both directions

Result: "Dianit" llc. сompany, which was a manufacturer of kitchens and interior surfaces from liquid polymer stone CORIMAT (described in another paragraph of my CV), and where I worked as a marketing director at the time, received an additional group of customers from a manufacturer of children's textile goods for christening. Clients for the purchase of kitchen projects were young families with newborn children. Most of the families lived in small-sized apartments in new buildings.

Such families had no single problem with prepayment. This particular group of customers wanted to solve their issues with kitchen installation as quickly as possible due to the small size of the premises and the loud cry of newborn babies.

Our info-partners (manufacturers of children's christening clothes) also received additional Internet traffic of customers from us, a company-manufacturer of the furniture out of liquid polymers. Because the furniture manufacturing company at that time was participating in projects of mass installation of kitchens in high-rise buildings of medium and economy class. This collaboration led to an increase in sales of both companies.

Marketing director in a furniture manufacturing company

from 01.2009 to 11.2013 (4 years 10 months)
“Dianit” llc, Киев (Строительство, архитектура, дизайн интерьера)

Job position: Marketing director.
Employer: “Dianit” llc. (Kiev, Ukraine). The company was sold in 2013, before the war conflict in Donbass (the east of Ukraine) started. The company had 30 employees;
5 in subordination of the Marketing Director: the head of the sales department, kitchen designer, web designer, graphic designer, sales manager for related advertising projects of the other business partners.
Recommendations: Oleg Dyadik (SEO): [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Andre Mescaline (web designer): [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
The company site was closed in 2013.

The screenshot example of the company’s site
see by the link below:

The pictures of the products made of liquid Corimat polymer stone see by the link below:


Manufacturing of furniture and construction surfaces made of liquid artificial polymer CORIMAT stone. The material is similar to dental fillings for teeth, but for the buildings and interior items. Margin = 97.5%, extra charge = 780%.
Manufacturing of kitchen projects with facades made of liquid stone
Architectural and design projects for premise renovation
Taking part in governmental infrastructure development projects (airports, stadiums construction, interior renovation of multi-storey new buildings of a middle and economy class segment)

MY DUTIES as a Marketing Director were:

Starting the company “from zero”
Development of a corporate style
Creating the strategy of the company’s growth
Creating promotional products
Development / design / promotion of the company’s web site and additional advertisement internet platforms related to the company; informational control of the social media activity
Stuff selection
Building a retail sales network on the Internet
Accumulating an active incoming traffic of orders that averagely took up to 50% - 65% of the total quantity of applications arriving to the company by that time
Getting the company to the country’s TOP 5 by the number of orders received on Internet in this particular manufacturing segment in Ukraine
Cooperation with foreign construction companies, architectural bureaus, private customers (Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Italy)
Negotiations with investors

Result: In 4 years the company grew from an ordinary manufacturing space of 200 square meters up to 750 square meters (8073 square feet) of production space, and the same size of the warehouse. The company delivered interior surfaces to the number of governmental construction objects, such as the Olympic Stadium (Kiev, Ukraine), Zhulyany Airport (Kiev, Ukraine), “Villa Sofia” hotel (Yalta, Crimea, the owner is the famous People's Artist of USSR, Sofia Rotaru) and many other, including foreign and domestic markets.

Designer-illustrator of book projects (Internship)

from 06.2001 to 08.2001 (2 months)
ARBOR BOOKS Inc. Publishing house, Нью-Йорк (Издательство, полиграфия)

Job position (internship): Designer-illustrator of book projects
Employer: ARBOR BOOKS Inc. (New York, USA). Publishing House
Study the process of creating and processing a book, ghostwriting, advertising and marketing of a finished book.
Result: Getting new experience on the international sales publishing market and digital sales. The books I illustrated have been successfully sold on Amazon for more than 15 years.

Example of the book №1 see by the link below:

Example of the book №2 see by the link below:

Assistant of the Head of development company (Internship)

from 01.2000 to 01.2003 (3 years)
“Sas La F”, Москва (Недвижимость)

Job position (internship): Assistant of the Head of development company
Employer: “Sas La F” (Russia – France / Moscow – Paris)
Company’s activity: construction, purchase/sale of foreign real estate (up to 20 permanent employees)


Searching for real estate objects to purchase
Control over the construction processes of small and medium-sized real estate objects (apartments, offices), collaborating with international specialists
Negotiations with the customers
Stuff selection
Cooperating with Mass Media
Negotiations with investors

Assistant of the Creative director (Internship)

from 11.1999 to 02.2000 (3 months)
Plasmania, Ltd, Лондон (Оптовая торговля, дистрибуция, импорт, экспорт)

Job position (trainee): Assistant of the Creative director
Employer: Plasmania, Ltd (London, England)
Company’s activity: sale of plasma panels / wholesale (up to 10 employees)


• Collaborating with mass media
• Spreading information: press releases, articles
• Creating promotion strategies for the company
• Organizing advertising and PR events

Result: getting an experience of working in an international environment with new technologies which were plasma screens by that moment.


A.S. Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics (Moscow, Russia)

Faculty of journalism, Москва
Higher, from 1997 to 2002 (5 years)

Additional education and certificates

The course of Advanced Level of English in St. Giles College (London, Great Britain)

3 month

Internship in the publishing house "The Floating Gallery" ARBOR BOOKS Inc. (New York,USA).

2 months

Knowledge and skills

Проведение презентаций MS Excel Ведение CRM Организаторские способности Креативность Разработка маркетинговой стратегии Ведение социальных сетей Контент-менеджмент Творческий подход Публичные выступления Проведение рекламных кампаний Google Analytics SMM Написание пресс-релизов Бренд-менеджмент Facebook Ads Manager Умение анализировать

Language proficiencies

  • English — advanced
  • Russian — fluent
  • Ukrainian — above average


  • Samuel Smith

    Samuel Smith

    Owner, "Central Management Company"

    Contact details are hidden
  • Oleg Dyadik

    Oleg Dyadik

    SEO, Dianit llc

    Contact details are hidden
  • Andre Mescaline

    Andre Mescaline

    Web designer, Dianit llc

    Contact details are hidden
  • Irina Dyadik

    Irina Dyadik


    Contact details are hidden

Additional information

Hobby: traveling.

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