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Customer support representative

35 years

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Brzoskwiniowa 4/520, Wroclaw, Poland.
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) / Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Dedicated Financial and Data Specialist with experience in achieving tangible results and
cross-team collabora on. Proac ve and excited to partner with like-minded individuals to
achieve goals. Mo vated with years of progressive experience. Energe c self-starter.
Navigates high-stress situa ons and achieves goals on me, responsible, passionate, and
Dedicated about delivering outstanding quality and service.


 Problem-solving with Good me management
 Good Communica on/ Emo onal Intelligence /Decision-making
 Detail-Oriented/Strategic Planning/Team-work oriented / Crea vity
 Wri en and Verbal skills/ Cri cal thinking.
 Conflict resolu on/Organiza onal and planning skills
 Analy cal skills/Results Oriented


 Knowledge of Microso Teams
 Advance knowledge of Microso Excel
 Advance Knowledge of Microso Office Package (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook)
 Power Bl/Google Digital Training-Digital Marke ng Fundamentals/Human Resource
and Management/customer service and rela onship
management/QuickBooks (online and desktop)/Insurance.
 Enterprise Solu on So ware (IES)/ACON, OTM, F-PAS GPA, CST and E-order
 Good Working Knowledge of Investran/Burges


Bank Of New York Mellon (BNY), Wroclaw, Dolnoslaskie.

 Prepara on and Booking of Daily cashflows into Investran.
 Prepara on of cash reconcilia on files and reconciling the breaks before sending to oversite
 Cash Reconcilia on between Investran system or bookings with Burgess booking.
 Prepara on and processing of cash Invoices
 Prepara on and review of capital call and distribu on events, mely delivery of no ces to investors
 Liaise with custodians, corporate trust, and other stakeholders to resolve any reconcilia on issues.
 Manage fund expense budgets and calculate fund performance.
 Prepare or some mes Review dra reports completed by junior staff.
 Ensure mely comple on of regulatory repor ng and ad-hoc requests.
 Prepara on and review of fund valua ons, mely delivery to external clients

Kuehne + Nagel Logis cs, Wroclaw, Dolnoslaskie

 Oversee the payables and receivables, ensure accurate billing throughout the global billing cycle and
correct the cost alloca on as per customer requirements.
 Co-ordinate the prepara on of financial statements, financial reports, and informa on reports
 Oversee the approval and processing of expenditure reduc on documents.
 Provide leadership support in the execu on of the ac vi es of the financial func on.
 Collaborate with opera ons, developing processes and procedures designs to improve profitability,
efficiency, and growth.
 Reviewed pos ngs to general ledgers to ensure the completeness and accuracy of each account.
 Maintain system records, following generally accepted accoun ng standards.
 Prepare invoice details sheet and provision towards the customer as per given requirements and
 Implement finance procedures.
 Monitor KPIs of freight audi ng results, on- me billing, billing accuracy, and addi onal costs.
 Collected customer data, processing in line with GDPR guidelines.
 Met demands of high-volume customer enquiries and exceeded performance targets.
 Followed-up on customer interac ons to provide further support.
 Responded to customer emails with accurate, professional replies.
 A ended to incoming enquiries within target meframes.
 Processed payments for clients and created invoices for outstanding balance

Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Wroclaw, Dolnoslaskie

 Handled all ma ers about the reconcilia on of the client's finances and investments.
 Reviewed appropriateness of ledger transac ons Maintained transparent Financials opera onal
 Resolved me-bound reports by streamlining and redeveloping repor ng process, resul ng in
increased report reliability and efficiency.
 Payout funds (Cash) to different beneficiaries and clients of UBS, both internal and external Replying
Mails and providing prove of payments to clients Sor ng and achieving details of payments done for
 Inves ga ng breaks and errors in payments Grew Revenue income.
 Followed-up on customer interac ons to provide further support.
 A ended to incoming enquiries within target meframes.
 Remained calm under pressure to handle customer complaints and solve problems.
 Processed payments for clients and created invoices for outstanding balances.
 Efficiently filled in for a supervisor, going on leave for three months due to fast learning of the work


Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkola Logistyki, Wroclaw, Poland
Bachelor's Logis cs Management
h ps://www.mwslit.com/

Federal Polytechnic Bauchi and Translated by Abubakar Tafa, Bauchi, Nigeria
Higher Na onal Diploma: Real Estate Management
h ps://portal.fptb.edu.ng/

Abubakar tafawa-balewa University Bauchi, Bauchi, Nigeria
Bachelor of Science: Real Estate Management

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act as of 29 august 1997, consolidated text journal of laws 2015
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