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React Native developer

22 years

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Bocharov Maksym
Address: Slovakia, Stará Gala 402, Holice 93034
Telegram: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Date of birth: 31.03.2002

Work experience
2021-2024 Aimprosoft
React Native/Flutter developer

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Ukrainian expert – C2
English advanced – B2
Slovakian basis – A2

As a Flutter/ReactNative developer with 3 years of experience, I have a strong
understanding of mobile app development principles and a proven track record
of delivering high-quality applications on time. My expertise includes
developing apps for both iOS and Android platforms,
as well as integrating various APIs and third-party libraries to enhance app
functionality. My technical skills include proficiency in Dart, JavaScript,
TypeScript, and related frameworks and tools such as Redux, Firebase and
Flutter. I am also familiar with mobile app design and have a keen eye for detail
when it comes to UI/UX. Perfectly adapted to work with a team and alone. I am
also skilled in problem-solving and always strive to find the most effective
solutions to any challenges that arise.

Сrucial React Native Skills:

● JavaScript (ES6+), HTML, CSS
● TypeScript
● React, React Native
● Redux Toolkit (Thunks, Sagas, RTK Query)
● Firebase Cloud Messaging
● Native Base, Axios, React navigation, React-native-svg, Animated,
Reanimated, Gesture Handler
● Understand of REST APIs, the document request model, and
offline storage
● Deploying app to Play Market, App Store

Crucial Flutter Skills:
● Dart
● Flutter SDK
● BLoC, Provider
● Flutter-svg, fl-charts, http, navigation, dio

Secondary abilities

● Multitasking
● I can work in a team and alone as well
● I have a great desire to learn new technologies
● Responsibility and meeting deadlines
● Problem-solving

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