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40 years

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Personal and Contact info

Serhiy Yurovych
LinkedIn profile
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Telegram: @SerhiyYurovych

• 2+ years of commercial experience with “no-code” programming
• 4 years of experience in Software Manual Testing
• 1 year of commercial experience in Automation testing (Java/Cucumber/Selenium/JUnit)
• Non-commercial experience in UI automation testing (Java/Selenium/TestNG)
• Strong test design techniques skills
• Strong written and spoken English
• High level of self-organization

Key words Test strategy, Test planning, Test cases designing, BDD, Gherkin syntax,
API, SQL, Java, Selenium, Git
Tools Jira, TestRail, Xray, Postman
Programming languages, Java, Selenium WebDriver, Maven, TestNG, Page Factory, Page Object
technologies & tools pattern, Git, MySQL

Work Experience
Period Company, Position, Responsibilities
February 2023 – General QA (Manual + Automation)
Present Openbet
Project: Betting platform
• QA analysis, documentation and manual execution
• Automated tests analysis, changes and improvements in the testing
framework (Java, Spring, Maven, JUnit, Cucumber, Selenium)
April 2020 – Solutions Developer
November 2022 Zoot Europe
Project: A solution for automating the credit decision process. Typical range
of tasks are as follows:
• Receive an application data that customer sends to the platform’s API
• Run the initial set of business decision rules
• Send the API requests to the credit bureaus
• Store the bureaus responses in the DB cache
• Run additional set of decision rules
• Compose an API response payload with a credit decision and send it
back to the customer
• (Optionally) Create a front-end part for the credit applications
April 2017 – QA Engineer
April 2020 QArtrock
Project: Cloud-based solution for advertising optimization used by media
• Work as a member of a SCRUM team
• Behavior Driven Development (Cucumber)
• New feature testing (Back-end & Front-end)
• API testing
• Creating and executing tests

Project: Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint.
• Requirements Elicitation
• Test Cases Development and Maintaining
• Web Testing
• UI Testing
• Improving QA process
• Creating QA documentation

Project: Data Visualization, Analytics & Data Science Platform.
• Test Plan Development
• Requirements Elicitation
• Test Cases Development and Maintaining
• Web Testing
• Database Testing
• Presenting results to the customer
June 2014 – QA Engineer
April 2015 Diligences Inc.
Project: multi-platform password manager app and secure digital wallet. The
app is available on Mac, PC, iOS and Android and includes such features as
automatic logins and form-filling, digital wallet, password generator, secure
data backup/sync.
• Functional Testing using Black-box techniques
• Compatibility Testing (Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS)
• GUI Testing
• Developing and executing test cases and check lists
April 2014 – QA Engineer
June 2014 Quality Assurance Group
• Exploratory Testing
• Requirements Analysis/Testing
• Test Case development
• Traceability Matrix Development
• Functional Testing, GUI Testing
• Issues reporting
April 2008 – Leading economist of credit risk analysis department
August 2012 Kreditprombank
June 2006 – Senior economist of credit department (corporate business)
April 2008 Ukrinbank

Period Educational organization Specialist
2001 - 2006 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Enterprise economy, master degree
1999 - 2001 Lviv lyceum of physics and math Expert course of biology

Professional Education
Period Educational organization Specialist
2018 Soft Serve ISTQB Certification Training Course
2017 Quality Assurance Group Web/Mobile automation testing (Java)
2016 Logos IT Academy Python basics
2015 Quality Assurance Group Python automation testing
2014 Quality Assurance Group Software testing
2013 Бюро комп’ютерних технологій Java basics

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