
Android developer

28 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Lviv, Remote

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Additional information

Name: Oleh Herasimov (Олег Герасімов)
Year of birth: 1995 (22 yo)

Candidate’s goal: remote work

Contact Information
Phone number: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

LinkedIn: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Ternopil National Economic University
Master’s degree, Computer Software Engineering
2016 – 2018

Ternopil National Economic University
Bachelor’s degree, Computer Software Engineering
2014 – 2016

Sambir Technical College of Economics and Informatics
Junior specialist, Software development
2010 – 2014

Bread Units Calculator

Jan 2017 – Present

Free and simple in use app for bread unit's calculation.
Recommended for peple suffering from diabetes.
App has 2,2 K active users and more than 7,5 K downloads.

Time Clerk

May 2017 – September 2017

App for time-management which allows user to create and save notes and has GitHub-styled calendar
Noun Craft

September 2014 – August 2016

NounCraft is linguistic game, which is analog of russian "Balda".
Game supports distinct layouts for tablets and handsets.


January 2016 – May 2016

Trie and DAWG realizations on Java programming language.

JavaSE 8, Kotlin, Android SDK, Android NDK (basics), Gradle, SQL, SQLite, Realm, Room(basics), JUnit,
Unit testing, Instrumentation testing, Mockito(basics), Firebase (basics), Reactive programming, Rx Java 2,
Dagger 2 (basics), http requests, Git, GitHub, Algorithms and data structures, OOP, Software design
patterns, MVP, MVVM(basics), Clean Architecture, Android architecture components, Obfuscation,
ProGuard, JSON, XML, Icon design, Corel Draw x8

English - Professional working proficiency

Russian (Русский) - Full professional proficiency

Ukrainian (Українська) - Native

Gym, historical literature, video games, cooking.

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