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Junior Frontend-програміст (React, Vue)

38 years

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Kholod Ihor
Junior FrontEnd Developer

Hi, my name is Ihor.
I'm a motivated beginner Frontend Software Engineer seeking
an entry-level position to improve and use my skills in coding,
troubleshooting complex problems, and assisting in the
 
City timely completion of projects.
Kyiv, Ukraine
 
BeetRoot Academy
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
FrontEnd Development

Email National Agricultural University
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Genetics and Crossbreeding

Soft Skills
Technical Skills
- Effective Communication: Clear and concise communication with
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Typescript colleagues and stakeholders.

- Continuous Learning: Eager to learn new technologies and adapt to
SASS, Tailwind, MaterialUI, ChakraUI industry trends.

- Time Management: Efficiently manage tasks and deadlines to ensure
React, Vue, NextJS, Nuxt3 timely project delivery.

- Creative Problem Solving: Innovatively address design challenges to
Redux Toolkit, Zustand, Vuex, Pinia
enhance user interfaces.

- Team Leadership: Guided and mentored team members, fostering
React Query, SWR
effective team collaboration.

NodeJS: Express, NestJS
Work Experience
RestAPI, GraphQL Baza Trainee
september 2023 - present
MongoDB, MySQL, PostgresQL
- Developed full-stack applications as part of the Baza Trainee platform.

Git, Docker, Trello, Vercel - Led a team of frontend and backend developers, coordinating tasks and
project timelines using Kanban methodology.

- Improved skills in application architecture and development, contributing
to both frontend and backend parts of projects.
Foreign Languages:
English B2
Polish B1

My Portfolio
Spanish A1

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