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Iryna Iliuchok
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section); [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) | [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) | @IrynaIliuchok | +38094752625

Skilled Quality System Specialist focused on performing appropriate and useful analysis of products and component materials in order to
drive quality improvements in manufacturing environments. Education in a technical specialty, scienti c and volunteering has developed the
ability to be exible in choosing a eld of work, be able to learn quickly, and work productively.

Skills Education
Master's Degree in Chemical Technology and Engineering (mainly - Silica Materials) |
Attention to detail Computer skills
Lviv Politechnic National University
Oct 2020 - Jan 022
Punctuality Test Results Interpretation
Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Technology and Engineering (mainly - Silica Materials)
Audit Assistance Materials Analysis | Lviv Politechnic National University
Sept 2016 - Jun 2020

Languages Lead Auditor Training Course (ISO 9001:2015) (IRCA Course) | SGS
17th May - 21th May 2021
Ukraine - Native Speaker
ISO 22000:2018 Training | Buro Veritas
English - B1 27th - 29th Jul 2021

Awards “Integrated management systems according to the standards ISO 9001: 2015, ISO
14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018. Internal audit of ISM. Requirements of standards PAS
Second degree diploma
99, ISO 19011: 2018 » Training | Buro Veritas
Lviv State University of Life Safety 16th - 20th Aug 2021
May 2019
This diploma certi es that I took 2nd place in FSSC 22000 v. 5.1 Training | Buro Veritas
5th - 8th Oct 2021
the All-Ukrainian Interuniversity competition in
Life Safety Experience
Volunteer Quality Systems Specialist on Quality Control Department | Verallia Ukraine PrJSC
Feb 2021 - To present | Zorya, Ukraine
Event coordinator Communicated with production team members about quality issues.
Tourism Department of Lviv City Council Conducted data review and followed standard practices to nd solutions.
6th Sept 2019 - 9th Sept 2019
Inspected all departments on plant and compared against standards to meet
Volunteers within the "Days of European
regulatory requirements (made an internal audits).
Heritage in Lviv ". Directly at the events, I was
Completed supporting documentation for testing procedures and made Test Reports.
the coordinator, previously helped with the
Performed visual assessment of products to evaluate conformance with quality
registration of participants for the event. This
provided an opportunity to improve skills with
Provided training for employees on the requirements of ISO standards and food safety
people and independence in decision-making.
in 2021-2022.
Assistant Responsible for customer audits and certi cation audits to ISO standards
Lviv Coffee Festival Preparing a speci cation for the production
20th - 23th Sep 2018
Helped at the CoffeeExpo location and at the
coffee fair. Developed communication skills and
abilities for herself to learn quickly and work

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