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Front-end програміст

24 years
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Vitaliy Vasylyk
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Vasylykv (Vitaliy Vasylyk) (github.com)

A software engineering student who is passionate about web development. Possess various skills in
frontend and backend development. Keen to pursue a career in Frontend Development

Frontend: HTML, CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS(hooks), Redux, Redux Toolkit, React
Backend: NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, REST API

University Name | Ternopil, Ukraine September 2020 – Present
Software engineering

React Booking App Vasylykv/React-Booking-App (github.com)

• Gained knowledge in advance React hooks optimization techniques
• Implemented a dynamic data grid table to display booked sessions on different days of a
week which may be useful in many modern world applications
• Solved the issue with data racing responses while fetching data from database
• Created different custom hooks for fetching and transforming data
• Solved property drilling situations by using React Context API

React Marvel App Vasylykv/React-Marvel-API (github.com)

• Practiced using React Router library
• Learned ways to handle error and exceptional situations in React apps
• Working with third party APIs

Languages: Ukrainian (native), Russian (native), English (intermediate)
Template by: www.mindthegrad.com

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