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Front-end розробник

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Ready to work:
Lviv, Remote

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I have practical experience of implementing projects on React according to the principles
of responsive web design. My main hard skills (React, JavaScript, CSS, HTML) are confirmed
on my LinkedIn profile according to the results of relevant tests. I also have developed
corporate website of the Lithuanian company UAB «FerroMetals».


PORTFOLIO React Developer in UAB «FerroMetals» [ 02.2023 - up to now ]

I was responsible for developing of the company`s corporate website (in the activity
"Woodworking machines production and sale"). The development of UAB "Ferrometals"
company`s website included the formation of the website structure (header, footer,
navigation panel and web pages), the implementation of the mechanism of instant
changing language without reloading the site, the implementation of the callback request
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
function and the contact form. A feature of the project is the work with complicated graphic
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
design, presented in the desktop version of the site, which included in-depth work with svg
Lviv, Ukraine
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) (the adaptive version of the site retains the initial aspect ratios of geometric shapes and
smyrnova-74461a261/ degree measures of angles even with dynamic changes in screen size). Currently, all the
functionality of the project is fully implemented (delaying publication of the website is
HARD SKILLS caused by the delay in providing text and graphic materials by the designer).

The current version of the website can be found by link:

• JavaScript React Developer in Individual Entrepreneur Kyryllova T.V. [ 01.2024 - up to now ]

• React The project represents multipage website for renting offices in Dnipro city, Ukraine. It's
structure contains main page with common information and details pages. The website
• Sass also includes animation implemented using GSAP technology (glowing windows on the
house icons, tickers in the details description etc).
• Styled components

• MUI The current version of the website can be found by link (development in progress):

• GSAP https://smyrnova-iryna.github.io/HouseRent/


HTML/CSS mentor in CodeClub

SOFT SKILLS As a volunteer mentor in the charitable organization "The Charitable Foundation
"Покоління.ЮЕЙ"" I was responsible for teaching HTML/CSS course for students in the age
• Teamwork group of 12-15 years including the preparation and presentation of lectures along with
formulation and checking of homeworks.
• Time management
• Critical thinking
• Ukrainian – native
• Communication
• English – B2
• Creativity
• Learnability
• React Online Marathon in Softserve IT Academy - [10.2022-12.2022]
• Attention to details • HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript Fundamentals course in Softserve IT Academy - [09.2022
• Python Pro in Hillel IT School - [02.2022-06.2022]
• Python Introduction in Hillel IT School - [10.2021 -01.2022]


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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