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Java-SQL розробник

23 years

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Ruslan Diakov, Java / SQL Developer
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Living in Košice.

Professional Summary
Working on complex projects, I have developed the ability to find the best solutions, taking into account constraints and
opportunities. I analyze assigned tasks using logic and creativity. Competently organize work and manage time taking into
account deadlines. Easily adapt to changes in the work environment when updating the project technology stack and adapt
quickly to new situations. I took part in the Hackathon, communicating well with my colleagues and being able to explain my
ideas effectively.
In my free time, I play chess, play sports regularly, like mountaineering, and shoot video with my drone. I see myself as a
promising developer, want to do programming and improve my skills.

GitHub, Java, Javafx, JavaScript, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, LiveSQL, Reporter Builder, C++, C#, MVC, LINQ, Mustache, JSON,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Audition, OBS
English — B1, Slovak – B2, Ukrainian — C2, Russian — C2

Work experience
December, 2021 — Present
Development of desktop applications in Java. Database design and development. Writing complex SQL queries. Data
extraction from the database and their processing on the application side CRUD.
Stack: Java, PostgreSQL.
Video Creator
March, 2016 — February, 2022
I have a YouTube channel with an audience of 163,000 subs. @SheldontMinecraft
Stack: OBS, Audition, Premiere Pro, Photoshop.

Personal Projects:
1. Desktop application with a GUI "Smart Home Simulation". Stack: Java, JavaFX, CSS.
2. Desktop application "Simulation Store". Stack: Java.
3. Website "Blog of Life in Bratislava". Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mustache, JSON.
4. Desktop application with GUI "Graphic Editor". Stack: С#, Winforms.
5. Website with the game BricksBreaking. Stack: С#, .Net, MVC, HTML, CSS.
6. Website sending messages to and from Telegram bot. Stack: Node js, HTML, CSS.

Technická Univerzita v Košiciach
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
Bc. odbor Kyberbezpečnosť.
September, 2020 — Present
Mykolaiv Building Professional College of KNUCA
Program subject area: Software Engineer
Professional qualification: Programmer – Technician
September, 2016 — June, 2020
STEP Computer Academy
Course: Software Development, Microsoft Imagine Academy
December, 2018 — May, 2021

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