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Front-end програміст

21 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Odesa, Other countries, Remote

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Stanislav Semeniuk
Front End Developer

About me
Young and enthusiastic web developer. As i think my main skill is high learning
ability. I love ancient history and art (especially Renaissance age). My free time i
spending playing videogames, watching football (soccer) , make puzzles , listening
to rock music (The Smiths, The Cure)
Projects i worked on
UA - [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Mandala Space Ventures website
Static website based on wordpress about space ventures.
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
My responsibility was to provide responsive web designs
for pages. Also was implementing JS logic for pagination ,
Location modals etc
Odesa, Ukraine
DevsData website
Education Static website based on wordpress for tech recruitment. My
2019 - currently responsibility was to provide JS logic for data fetching and
Computer Science form processing
State University of Intelligent
Technologies and Communications Giggs website
Web application written using Next js. My responsibility
Experience was to provide search functionality , filter functionality
October 2021 - currently using React + Typescript. Also i was providing RWD using
Front End Developer Material UI lib. This project allow me to gain a lot of
DevsData LLC experience.

React What i'm looking for

TypeScript I want to take part in development of web applications. I hope i
will have a chance to gain a lot of new experience. I don't like to
Responsive Web Design
provide static websites without any logic. I'm looking for a
Redux company/project that will help me to grow as a developer
SCSS / Bootstrap / MUI

My social links
English - B2 LinkedIn
Ukrainian - native

Russian - native

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