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Unity developer

29 years
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Artem Komazov
С# Unity developer

Contact Experience
32473289696 So far, I have no experience in IT, but I really want to start
working. I am ready to do any internship, probationary period
Email or just volunteer work to gain experience.
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

I've been learning C# and Unity for 6 months now and I want
Desselgem, 8792 to get started. Below I will attach a link to the GitHub with
the game that I made as part of the Unity course.

Education I enjoy learning to code and I am determined to work and
grow in this field
eccentricgames The summary was written on 05/10/2023, so if you look at it
Unity C# game developer later, then maybe I already have some experience

Simple Code
About me
C# courses

Skills I am 27 years old, married and have three children (all girls). I
consider myself smart and a fast learner.
C# basic I am a family man, and for me it would be best to work
remotely, but I will also agree to work in the office.
Visual studio

OOP basic


Russian https://github.com/Artkomazov/CrazyAnimals

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