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Java developer


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Oleksii Kulykov
M. Lushpa ave. 11, 40022 Sumy (Ukraine)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

DESIRED POSITION Keen to join your company as a Junior Java Backend
Developer, I am committed to achieving high
standards in software development.


Jan 2024 - Present Specialist
Sumy State University
Technical and computer support department
Nov 2023 – Present Commercial project
● Project
▪ Doctor's business card web application
● Stack
▪ Spring Boot + React + PostgreSQL

Jan 2023 – May 2023 Bachelor`s project
Sumy State University
● Project
▪ E-commerce web application
● Stack
▪ Spring Boot + React + PostgreSQL

Apr 2022 – Sep 2022 Java Development course
● Project
▪ Task Manager
▪ E-shop web application
● Stack
▪ Java
▪ Spring Boot + PostgreSQL
Sep 2021 – Dec 2021 PHP Development probationer
● Project
▪ Simple schedule manager
● Stack
▪ Laravel + Vue + MySQL

Sep 2023 - Preset Master of Computer science
Sumy State University
Department of Information technologies of design
Thesis title: Web-application to support the professional
activity of a psychiatrist-narcologist
Sep 2019 – Jul 2023 Bachelor of Computer science
Sumy State University
Department of Information technologies of design
Thesis title: Web-application for supporting the sale of
electronic equipment
Sep 2008 - Jul 2019 High School Diploma
Sumy Specialized School of I-III Levels №17
● President of the Library Club for Book Enthusiasts
● City-wide Olympiad winner in Information Technologies
● Tournament victory as a member of the school volleyball
team in 2018

Mother tongue(s) Ukrainian
Other Language(s) English: Upper Intermediate (B2)
Soft Skills I am deeply committed to personal and professional
growth, consistently immersing myself in technical
literature to enhance my comprehension of various
libraries. I approach tasks with a sense of responsibility,
carefully managing my workload to ensure efficient
completion of assignments. Known for my rapid learning
capabilities, I am adept at swiftly acquiring new knowledge.
Coding Languages • PHP • C# • C++ • Java • Java Script
• Laravel • Vue • React • Redux • Spring • Bootstrap •
Data Bases • MySQL • OracleSQL • PostgreSQL • Firebase
Others • Google Cloud Platform • Netlify

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