Purchaser: average salary in Ukraine

27 000 UAH

for september 2024

*according to 2 078 job postings

Salary distribution

16 000 UAH
64 000 UAH

Change in average salary

«Purchaser» in Ukraine

Number of job postings

«Purchaser» in Ukraine

according to Work.ua — work.ua/stat

How much does a purchaser in Ukraine earn?

On average, a "Purchaser" in Ukraine makes 27000 UAH. This is 20% more compared to September last year. The median salary is calculated based on data from 2078 jobs posted on Work.ua with the title "Purchaser" and similar queries such as "Менеджер з закупівель", "Purchase manager", "Спеціаліст з закупівель" and others over the last 3 months. The range containing the median is highlighted in the chart.

Currently on the site

1321 jobs "Purchaser" in Ukraine

Average salaries for the job title "Purchaser" by city