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IT Project Manager

54 роки
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Mila Yanovska

I am a certified Project Manager with extensive experience in HR
Management and Psychology, coupled with expertise in project planning,
execution, and Agile methodology. With a strong foundation in understanding
human psychology and IT technical knowledge, I succeeded in leading remote
Project Manager development team to deliver successful project outcomes. My skills in
problem-solving, conflict resolution, and negotiation have been instrumental in
Mila Yanovska fostering efficient and collaborative environments within software development
life cycle.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Work Experience
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Managing Partner Dec 2021 - Jan 2024
Kyiv, Ukraine
MB StSolutions, Kyiv, Ukraine / Vilnius, Lithuania
IT Project management (Web platform development https://www.work-in.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») lt/lt/)
yanovska HR management, Project management in HR
Building and implementing of full-cycle hiring process
t.me/LY_Mila HR consulting (Foreign labor market)
Migration services
Tech Skills Successfully led the development and launch of a web platform (https:
//www.work-in.lt/lt/) for company purpose
Project Lifecycle Management Established and managed a network of employment agents. Implemented
procedures for agent selection, training and control. Organised regular
Agile/Scrum/Jira/Trello online meetings with agents, resulting in doubled international recruitment
placements and improved client satisfaction
Managing Director Jan 2020 - Dec 2021
Scope Management
OnTopUa, Kyiv, Ukraine
HR project management
Soft Skills Building and implementing of full-cycle hiring process
Recruiting (Foreign Labor market)
Time Management Migration services
Multitasking Implemented a user-friendly online portal to collect required paperwork,
resulting in a 20% reduction in processing time, 15% in costs and
Problem Solving enhancing overall efficiency in relocation procedures.
Streamlined candidate evaluation process by implementing behavioral-
Excellent Communication Skills
based interviewing techniques and competency assessments, resulting in
a 40% increase in hiring success rate
Languages Organized end-to-end recruitment process, from sourcing to onboarding,
resulting in 170+ successful hires across diverse roles, boosting team
English Intermediate productivity by 30% and reducing time-to-fill by 20%

Ukrainian Native

Russian Native

PGP in PM and Full Stack Development Jul 2023 - Feb 2024
GoIt - IT School (FullStack and PM Course), Kyiv, Ukraine
Project Management
Front End/Back End Development

CBT Certificate 2009 - 2011
Institut fur Psychosoziale Forschung, Kyiv, Ukraine/Germany
Psychologist Certification in Integrative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Bachelor's degree in Psychology 2008 - 2010
Institute of Business and Technology, KIBiT, Kyiv, Ukraine
Clinical, Social Psychology

Master's degree in Linguistics 1993
Kyiv Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Linguistics and Philology

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