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Back-end Java (Spring) developer

27 років
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Yevhenii Pavlenko Tel: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Full-Stack Web Developer (React, Spring) [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
PROFILE [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

An experienced and responsible full-stack web developer with a passion for SKILLS
learning new things in the field of IT and finding simple solutions to complex
problems. J​ avaScript, React.js, Redux,
Currently, I'm holding a frontend developer position at a stunning project in the TypeScript, MaterialUI, Three.js,
field of building, namely 3D printers for construction. However, this does not React Three Fiber
prevent me from working towards backend skills and overcoming all challenges J​ ava, Spring Boot, Spring
that arise along the way. Security, JDBC, JPA, Hibernate,

3D Technology UTU, Kyiv, Ukraine — Frontend Developer ​Apache Tomcat, Nginx

FEBRUARY 2023 - PRESENT - 1yr ​Kafka
Software development related to the field of design and implementation of industrial ​PostgreSQL, Oracle SQL, MySQL
robotic equipment.
​Docker, Docker-compose
Main used technologies: React, Redux, React Three Fiber, Three.js, Material UI,
TypeScript, Nginx, Docker. Embedded C/C++
3D Quanter, Kyiv, Ukraine — Frontend Developer
Software development related to the field of design and implementation of industrial
Ukraine - native,
robotic equipment, using the following technologies: React, Redux, Three.js, Docker
English - intermediate.
Mellivora LLC., Sumy, Ukraine — Software Engineer
SEPTEMBER 2021 - AUGUST 2022 - 1yr
Software development related to the field of design and implementation of industrial
robotic equipment, using the following stack: C++, Java, React.js

Freelance — Java Software Developer
JUNE 2021 - JULY 2022 - 1yr 2mos

Java Backend Developer (Spring)
Main used technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Security, JDBC, JPA, JSP, PostgreSQL,
MySQL, Docker, Maven.

EC Automatic Group Ltd., Sumy, Ukraine — Automation/EC&I engineer
JUNE 2019 - JUNE 2021 - 2yrs 1mos

Develop software in the field of industrial automation for controllers and operator
panels using LD, SСL languages, and industrial robots based on the C/C++ language.

AIUT Sp. z o.o., Gliwice, Poland — Student trainee
JUNE 2017 - SEPTEMBER 2017 and FEBRUARY 2019 - APRIL 2019 - 7mos

Develop software in the field of industrial automation for controllers and operator
panels using LD, SСL languages, and industrial robots based on the C/C++ language.


Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine — Master's degree, diploma
with honors

Program Subject Area “Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies”.
Educational Program “Computerized control systems and robotics”.
Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine — Bachelor's degree
SEPTEMBER 2014 - JUNE 2018

Program Subject Area “System Engineering”.
Educational Program “Computerized management systems and robotics”.
Professional Qualification of “Information Technology Specialist”.

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