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Fullstack Developer (ReactJS, NodeJS)

42 роки
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Готовий працювати:
Київ, Львів, Одеса

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Cristian Machuca Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Software Engineer
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Software Engineer with solid full-stack development experience, specializing in React and Node.js. Skilled in
building REST API with microservices using Docker, and embracing a DevOps culture to streamline
development processes. Passionate about creating scalable applications and efficient solutions with a focus
on continuous improvement.
Education Professional Experience
2022 - Present – Software Development 2024 - Present – Igrowker, Backend Developer
ISSD Argentina, remote.
Developed backend services with Node.js, emphasizing
2023 – AWS Fundamentals Diploma
microservices architecture, API design, and Docker for consistent
UTN University, Argentina.
environments across development and deployment. Collaborated
2023 – Cloud DevOps (Docker, K8s, Jenkins) on best practices, optimized data handling, and contributed to
EducacionIT, Argentina. code reviews and agile sprints to enhance code quality and
2023 – Python Diploma process improvements.
UTN University, Argentina. 2020 - Present – IT-Devs Freelance, Fullstack Developer
2022 – MERN Fullstack Developer Diploma
UTN University, Argentina. Full-stack web development with the MERN stack. Built REST APIs,
2022 – Backend NodeJs - Frontend React integrated testing, and automated CI/CD pipelines. Handled
backend, frontend, and data storage for scalable solutions.
Escalab Academy, Chile.
23/03/2023 – 30/06/2023 – No Country, Fullstack Developer
Developed a fintech project (virtual wallet) from scratch using
ReactJS - NextJS - Redux Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Docker, and Swagger. Implemented
REST APIs, testing with Mocha-Chai, and followed DevOps and
NodeJS - Express Scrum practices. Led a social project for an NGO with Node.js,
Express, MongoDB, and Swagger, focusing on REST API
MySQL - Postgres - Mongo - Firebase
development and Scrum methodology.
Docker - Microservices 03/02/2020 – 03/12/2021 – Alkemy Internship, Fullstack Developer
JMocha - Jest - Scrum (Git, Bitbucket, Jira)
Collaborated with a team of 8 developers on backend development
using Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, and REST APIs. Frontend work
Languages with React, Redux, and Material UI. Followed Scrum with Jira and
Git, focusing on testing (Mocha-Chai) and API documentation
English - Upper Intermediate (B2) (Swagger).
Spanish - Native
02/06/2020 – 11/10/2020 – SoyHenry Internship, Backend Staff

Developed full-stack applications using the MERN stack (MongoDB,
Website Express, React, Node.js) in an agile team environment. Focused on
https://cristian-dev.netlify.app/ REST API development, frontend interfaces, and database
management following Scrum practices.

Github Courses
https://github.com/cristian1534 UCSan Diego - Certificate Full Stack Engineer Bootcamp
UCSan Diego - Certificate DevOps Engineer Bootcamp

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