• Файл


Front-end developer

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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
YURII SLOBODIAN [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Front-End Developer
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Highly motivated front-end developer with 2.5 years of experience in web-development particularly in Magento 2,
Wordpress, Ruby On Rails, Shopify and Single Page Application projects area. Familiar with magento 2 platform, its
workflow, theme creation/extending. I have some experience working with projects based on Ruby on Rails
framework, worked with Slim templates, and Ruby on Rails libraries. I also worked on a Shopify project, using Liquid
templates, CSS, and JavaScript. I possess high-interpersonal skills and have an ability to work independently or as
part of a team. I would prefer office work to remote however it would not be a big problem for me to work from
home. I’m interested in football, hiking and workouts. I have a big desire to enhance my technical skills and gain
valuable experience by working with a proficient and professional team on a different interesting projects.

Education Soft Skills
Responsible & friendly
King Danylo University, Ivano-Frankivsk
Communicative & sincere
Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering Attentive & polite
2020-2022 Detail-oriented

SoftServe Academy, Ivano-Frankivsk
Basic Front-End
Course 2019 Stack of technologies
Financial and Commercial College named
after Stepan Granat, Ivano-Frankivsk HTML 5
Css 3 (Less, Sass)
Junior Software Engineer
2014 – 2018 Figma
JavaScript (React.JS, Knockout.JS, Require.JS, jQuery)
School of computer skills, Ivano-Frankivsk PHP
2014-2018 WordPress
Magento 2
Certifications Slim
Adobe Commerce: Sales Accreditation (P) MySQL
Appian Developer Appian
Trainee Front-End Developer, SoftServe Git

Ukraininan - Native
English - Upper-Intermediate
YURII SLOBODIAN [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Front-End Developer
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


Front-End Developer
Codexy Software | 2023 - present

Working on Ruby on Rails project: fixing bugs in the already existing functionality,
implementing custom features with varying levels of complexity, redesigning various
UI components (such as pages, email templates, forms, etc.), customizing sliders,
forms, selects, and modals using specific libraries (such as slick.js, select2.js,
foundation.js, gem-cocoon, etc.). Additionally, I have worked on responsive design and
communicated with both clients and backend developers.
Working on Shopify project: installing the project, fixing bugs related to order status
and product status, working with Liquid templates and their features, implementing
new designs for UI elements, configuring the admin panel, deploying servers and
communicating with clients.

Magento 2 Front-End Developer
Elogic Commerce | 2022 - 2023

Supporting of existed online-stores developed on Magento 2.
Finding & solving the bugs in already-existed functional.
Customizing and extending magento 2 project: worked with custom theme/parent
theme, layouts, phtml, UI-components, checkout, Knockout.JS, Require.JS, jQuery,
Less/Css, Grunt, Gulp etc.
Maintaining email templates: redesign, fix, translations.
Working with magento 2 configurations & different modules: admin panel, DataBase,
multi-stores, CLI-commands, Docker.
Design implementation of home page, order-success page, PLP, PDP, custom UI-
elements etc: from scratch to storefront.
Experienced with mobile-first approach.
Git-flow usage.
Custom features implementation.
Working with translations through the whole store.
Communicating with back-end developers & clients.

Business Process Engeneer
PWC | 2022

Internship using low-code platform Appian.
Developing different applications which help users to
automate their business needs.

Web Consulting Group | 2018-2019

Creating browser user interfaces with basic knowledge of
HTML, CSS, JS and WordPress.
Developing a different kind of web-sites: landing-pages,
online stores, corporate sites etc.

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