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Контактна інформація

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Tetiana Buchynska

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Multicultural B2B and Saas marketing professional. Excelling in both online and offline aspects of marketing,
demand gen, events, webinars, podcast producing, content creation, and customer service. Sensitive in identifying
and analyzing market trends and customer needs, strategic at meeting these needs through data analysis, brand
optimization, and partnerships. Area of expertise resides in tech and the whole sales cycle, lead generation, and
loyalty retention.

Marketing Specialist
Feb 2023 - Present (1 year 4 months)
Digital Marketing: Planning, creating concepts, executing, and analyzing the effectiveness of marketing

Ad: scaling an advertising campaign, Exploring keyword research and match type, Create digital ADS,
using Google Ads.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Used Search Console for technical SEO, Google Trends for timely
keyword planning, Google Analytics 4 for SEO performance tracking, and Ahrefs.

Working on marketing materials: sales presentations, landing pages, and creatives together with the
creative team.

Content Creation: sales documentation, product videos, website copy, blog posts.

Competitive insight.

Marketing Specialist
Sep 2022 - Feb 2023 (6 months)
Creation of a social media strategy and plan: developed and implemented a comprehensive social
media content strategy aligned with overall brand objectives.

Researching of content, trending hashtags and supporting images/videos/animations that will interest
and engage followers.

Created compelling and engaging content, including graphics, videos, and written posts.

Management of social media accounts on a monthly basis (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok).

Tetiana Buchynska - page 1
Monitoring social media metrics and KPIs to measure the success of campaigns and initiatives.

Providing regular reports and insights to management, highlighting key trends, opportunities, and areas
for improvement.

Marketing Specialist
Seven Seas Auto (Ukraine)
Nov 2019 - Mar 2022 (2 years 5 months)
Some of the tasks I was required to do included the development of a posting calendar and schedule,
creation and designing of posts and stories, sourcing and designing of imagery, videos and gifs,
copywriting of blog posts and captions, uploading of posts, blogs and stories and the management of all
social media accounts.

Klassnoe Radio
Oct 2012 - Dec 2014 (2 years 3 months)

Local Newspaper
Mar 2010 - Feb 2011 (1 year)

Kherson National Technical University
Степень магистра, Маркетинг
Sep 2021 - Dec 2022

Donetsk National University
бакалавр, Філологія
Sep 2007 - May 2014

Licenses & Certifications
Digitaliza paso a paso tu negocio con herramientas de Google - Google Actívate

Digital Marketing - HubSpot Academy
Issued Apr 2023 - Expires May 2024

AI-Powered Performance Ads Certification - Google Digital Academy (Skillshop)
Issued Aug 2023 - Expires Aug 2024

Google Ads Search Certification - Google Digital Academy (Skillshop)
Tetiana Buchynska - page 2
Issued Sep 2023 - Expires Sep 2024

Co-branding • Referral Marketing • Affiliate Marketing • Press Coverage • Community Journalism •
News Writing • ADS creative • Google Ads Search • AI-Powered Performance Ads • Content Marketing

Tetiana Buchynska - page 3

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