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Java software engineer


Контактна інформація

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Nazar Slobodeniuk
Java Software Developer

As a skilled J ava develo p er, I am p assionate about creating e ff icient and scalable solutions. Since
starting my J ava develo p ment j ourney in 2021, I have continuously grown both technically and
p ersonally. I am committed not only to mastering technical skills but also to develo p ing q ualities that
sha p e my character.

Contact Skills
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Java (11, 17)

Spring (MVC, Boot, Test, Data, Security, Cloud),

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Location JUnit, Mockito, Cucumber, BDD

Lviv, Ukraine Git, Gitlab, Github, Docker, Postman, ActiveMQ, Swagger

MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Education Experience

B achelor o f 2024+ G y m C RM Ser v ice 2023-2024+ Tasks for EPAM Sel f- Stud y J ava Courses
Computer Science

Lviv Polytechnic National As p art o f a course p ro j ect, a As a member o f a seven -p erson team, we collectively
University com p rehensive microservice a pp lication develo p ed tasks for EPAM ' s Sel f- Study J ava C ourses.
was develo p ed with the p rimary ob j ective Some o f these tasks are currently available to e x ternal
o f simulating the f unctionality o f a gym users. Each develo p er, including mysel f and three others
M aster o f Computer CR M system .

who handled the ma j ority o f the workload, was assigned an
Science individual to p ic. My designated to p ic was the B ook Store.
T he a pp lication features two distinct user We were p rovided a list o f themes to cover, including OO P,
roles : Trainee and Trainer. B oth roles C ollections, I n p ut/ O ut p ut (IO) , Lambdas, and Streams.
Lviv Polytechnic National include basic f unctions such as T hese tasks are now in p roduction .

University registration and login. H owever, the
Trainee role o ffers additional Following this, we were tasked with develo p ing solutions to
Position f unctionalities. A Trainee can schedule
and create new training sessions with a
test knowledge in both J ava and S p ring ( including S p ring
D ata, Security, M VC , B oot, etc. ) . T his task is currently
Trainer, u p date the list o f Trainers, view under review. For our f inal assignment, we had to develo p a
Trainers not currently assigned to them, new solution to test knowledge in s p eci f ic areas ; my focus
J ava Trainee and manage their own p ro f ile .

was on S p ring M VC.

2023-Now, EPAM T he technologies em p loyed in the I n this collaborative e ffort, my focus on the B ook Store
develo p ment include J ava, S p ring B oot, theme involved attending meetings, actively p artici p ating
S p ring D ata, H ibernate, S p ring M VC , in team discussions, and ensuring that all assigned work
S p ring Security, S p ring C loud, ActiveM Q, was com p leted within the s p eci f ied deadlines .

Language J Unit, Mockito, C ucumber, Maven,
Postman, Lombok, MyS Q L, Mongo DB , and T he technologies em p loyed in the develo p ment include
G it with G itLab. J ava 17, J Unit, S p oon, H amcrest, Mockito, Maven, S p ring
B oot, S p ring Test, T hymelea f, S p ring D ata, S p ring M VC , H 2,
English B 1+ and G it with G itLab.

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