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PHP/JS Developer

28 років
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Контактна інформація

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Artur Olar
PHP Developer

Profile Details
I have over 4 years of commercial experience in web development Ternopil’, Ukraine
and have worked on various projects with clients and partners from
Europe and the USA. Depending on the projects, I worked with a Contacts
different set of technologies and with different frameworks or just pure [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (telegram, viber)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
PHP. Currently, I'm working with PHP-8.2 and the Laravel framework.
I have commercial experience with the following technologies: PHP,
Date of birth 10.08.1996
Laravel, Silex, PHPUnit, MySql, AWS (shared services: EC2, S3, AURORA,
SQS, etc.), Redis, Docker, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket , Linux,
Supervisor, Cron, REST API, SOAP, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML/CSS, Skills
Bootstrap. I worked a little with Vue, ElasticSearch. PHP, PHPUnit
I always try to write clean and well-tested code. I am open to new Laravel, Silex, PSR-
challenges, ready to work on interesting and complex problems, ready written framework
to learn and work with unknown technologies. I am a team player,
Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket
I believe that the success of a project depends on the entire team.
I always try to help my colleagues (if they need help) and really JavaScript, Vue, Vite
appreciate it when I can discuss a task with my colleagues.
HTML & SCC, Bootstrap,
Tailwind, SASS
Employment History MySQL, Redis,
PHP Developer at Minimal, Chernivtsi ElasticSearch
April 2020 — January 2021 Docker, AWS
I worked on the websites minimal.com.ua and yohome.com.ua. I took part
in rewriting these projects from WordPress to Laravel. Worked on an internal
CRM / ERP system. I used the next technologies: PHP, Laravel 5.6, MySql, Git,
GitHub, Javascript, jQuery, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap Ukraine

PHP Developer at SapientPro, Chernivtsi
January 2021 — September 2021
I worked on several projects related to e-commerce and web-scrapping. The
first project, was big scrapper for online stores like Amazon, Target,
GameStop, etc. The second prjoect was crapper for flight tickets. The third
project was kind of marketplace for buyers and sellers, where people could
buy and sell goods. I used the next technologies: PHP (7.2, 7.4), Laravel (5.6,
7), MySql, Redis, Git, GitLab, Javascript, jQuery, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Cron,
Supervisor, Vue.js

PHP Developer at SharpMinds, Chernivtsi
September 2021 — March 2023
Our team worked with a client from the Netherlands who is engaged in the
payment systems business. I was working on several projects that related to
integrations with different financial and payment systems: swish, blik,
ibanXS, aliapay+, amazonpay, emvco 3ds. There were many integrations
with different payment systems using REST API and SOAP. All projects were
covered with unit and functional tests written in PHPUnit.
I used the next technologies: PHP 7.2-7.4, worked on self-written PSR
compatible framework, and sometimes worked on projects with Laravel
(8), Slim and Silex microframeworks, PHPUnit, Codeception, MySql, Git,
Bitbucket, Docker, Javascript, JQuery, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap

PHP Developer at TenantCloud
March 2023 — Present
I currently work for a company that is developing its own property
management product. At the company, I am involved in developing new
features, integrating with other systems, refactoring and improving
existing functionality, and fixing errors.
I'm working with PHP 8.2, Laravel 10, MySQL, Redis, Docker,
PHPUnit, Git, GitHub, a little wit some AWS services, ElasticSearch.

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