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Human Resources, Recruiter, Customer Support, Sales Assistant, , English teacher (Internship)

23 роки
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Контактна інформація

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Martina Amoah
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») · email · LinkedIn · Accra, Ghana


University of Ghana, Medical School Accra, Ghana
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Expected (06/2026)
Major in General Medicine; Minors in Dentistry
GPA: 3.87/4.0; Dean’s List 2020-2021
Relevant Coursework: Physiology; Anatomy; Pharmacology; Internal Medicine; Psychology, Psychiatry and Narcology;

Kharkiv National Medical University Kharkiv, Ukraine
Bachelor of Science 09/18 -06/21
Major in Biological Sciences, Minors in Chemistry
GPA 3.7/4.0
Relevant Coursework: Human Anatomy, Biology, Microbiology, Histology; Philosophy; Russian Language.


GAOTek Inc. Toronto, Canada
Human Resource internship. 06/24- Present
• Writing job descriptions that matches the company’s needs and attract potential hires
• Posting on job boards and monitoring responses
• Sources potential candidates through social media
• Screening resumes and identifying relevant skills
• Scheduling and conducting interviews
• Onboarding and training new hires

Housing Solutions
New York, United States (Remote)
Sales Manager, Call Centre Representative10/2021– 06/22
• Increased weekly sales by increasing number of referrals from old clients
• Keeping records of customer interactions, comments and complaints and providing a better service to the next customer
• Update client information in CRM

Tasty Fingers RestaurantKharkiv, Ukraine (hybrid) Customer Service Representative.04/2020 – 07/2021
◦ Started and built a career in Customer Support and Client management.
◦ Created and adapted to a possible means of running a restaurant remotely and still providing the best customer experience
◦ Moved to a senior position after 5 months of work
Advanced skills: Customer Communication, Teamwork, Customer Service, Problem solving, Computer skills


NUGS-KHARKIVKharkiv, Ukraine
Welfare Committee Chairperson
04/2021– present
• Designed and executed a conference that was steered to create awareness to Men's Mental Health
• Oversee that students in the union are well catered for and don't lack any basic amenities
Goethe Institute05/2017 – 11/2017
• Took German language lessons and graduated with Proficiency level <A2>

St John's Grammar Senior High School09/2014 – 04/2017
• Served as General Secretary of the schools Student Union during my second year of study ( 11/2015- 10/2016)
• Served as Senior Girls' Prefect during my final year of study (03/2016 – 03/2017)
• Served as a member of the schools army cadet and partook in various National Parades.

• Technical Skills: MS Office, MS Excel. Basic skills in HTML and JavaScript
• Languages: Fluent in English; Conversational Proficiency in German
• Volunteering: Volunteered 2 months/year at 37 Military Hospital, Accra-Ghana (2019 and 2021)

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