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Video Editor

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Контактна інформація

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Oleg Bugai
Video Editor

Kyiv, Ukraine
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») · [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube, LinkedIn Profile
A Senior Video Editor with 10+ years of experience, specializing in project
Skills management, television production, video asset creation, and stakeholder
Editing Video management.

I have a lot of experience in video production, Reels, Stories, editing, project
Project Management
leadership, and digital media production for development brands on the Internet
space and social networks: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram & TIK-TOK
Ability to Work in a Team
A strong history of executing video marketing initiatives across various digital
Communication Skills media platforms. Adept at interfacing with client stakeholders to align videos with
brand messaging.
Effective Time Management
Adept with modern digital video camera systems (Sony, Canon, etc.)

Leadership Knowledge of film lighting and composition

Experience with audio editing and basic sound mixing
Video Production
Experience working on film sets
Digital Media Production
Employment History
Video Asset Creation
Video Editor, Studio Leon, Kyiv

Adobe Photoshop January 2011 — 2024

• Managed, executed, and coordinated 300+ video production projects
Television Programming to support promotional marketing campaigns for businesses throughout
Social Media • Collaborated with creative teams to produce and edit videos, created visual
effects and motion graphics, mixed audio, and encoded videos for upload to
Reels, Stories, Storytelling digital media channels
• Interfaced with client stakeholders to review final deliverables and assess
Movavi Video Suite feedback
• Created motion graphics and visual effects that enhanced the overall quality
Videographer of the video
• Implemented sound design techniques to enhance the audio quality and
make the video more impactful
Languages • Implemented color correction techniques to ensure the video’s consistency

Ukraine and accuracy
• Managed digital assets, including audio, video, and photos, to ensure

English accuracy and consistency

Bachelor of Arts Video Production, University of Kyiv, Kyiv
Video shooting, video
September 2008 — May 2011
editing, travel, brand
promotion on the Internet.
Practical video editing course, Kyiv
July 2022 — 2023

Digital Video Engineering Professional, May 2011
May 2011 — November 2011

Movavi Video Suite
February 2021 — August 2021

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