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Junior Front End Developer
- Вік:
- 30 років
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I have been actively studying and working in the field of frontend development for more than a year and a
half. I am proficient in HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript (ES6+), and TypeScript. I also have experience
with Git and Gulp, which helps me to effectively manage development processes and automate routine
tasks. In the near future, I plan to expand my skills by focusing on learning React to create even more
dynamic and interactive web applications.
I am always eager to learn new technologies and improve my skills to stay uptodate with current web
development trends. For me, attention to detail is extremely important, especially when working with the
user interface, in order to create products that not only work, but also bring a pleasant experience to end
I am convinced that continuous development and teamwork are the keys to success in IT. I look forward to
joining a team where I can apply my knowledge and skills in practice, as well as gain new experience that
will allow me to grow as a professional.”
I'm from the Armed Forces of Ukraine (no need to reservation me!) ЗСУ
JavaScript jQuery Bootstrap Microsoft Visual Studio
Layout of adaptive and crossbrowser sites of different complexity using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and
Refactoring existing code
Responsive ECommerce Sites on 3 pages
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Jquery, JavaScript, plugins: slickSlider, rangeSlider, rateyo.
This website is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, featuring smooth animations, componentbased
design, and WebPoptimized images for fast loading. The site is fully responsive, ensuring a great user
experience on any device, with SEO and performance optimization. It highlights modern web
technologies and best practices for crossbrowser compatibility and mobilefirst design.
Dr Gomes ( medical Site)
This is a 12page website for a plastic surgeon, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features
animated transitions, scrolltriggered event handlers, and a form submission system. The site is fully
responsive, optimized for all devices, and includes compressed images in WebP format for faster
loading. The design incorporates multiple sliders to showcase the surgeon's work and services.
The project was deployed on a live hosting server, ensuring seamless user experience with smooth
scrolling animations and interaction features.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Gulp, GitHub
One of my early practice projects, focused on the desktop version. The site was built using HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript. While functional, some layout issues were encountered in certain sections. This project
is included in my portfolio to demonstrate my progress and add to my experience.
Technologies: HTML, CSS
A fully responsive website developed for an advertising company, featuring smooth animations and
interactive elements. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the site is optimized for all devices,
providing an engaging user experience with clean, modern design
(One of My First Projects )
askExpert seo site
One of My First Projects
This was one of my early projects, created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It helped me build a strong
foundation in web development. While simple, the project showcases basic functionality and design,
serving as a stepping stone in my learning journey.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Adaptive)
Dashboard / page
social networking , sublists. This project focused on page layout, built with HTML and CSS. The goal was
to create a clean, structured design with a focus on responsiveness and userfriendly interface. It
demonstrates my ability to implement precise layouts and manage the overall structure of web content.
Technologies: HTML CSS
One of my early practice projects, focused on the desktop version. The site was built using HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript
One of My First Projects !
Technologies: HTML and CSS
landing page Portfolio_starter_2
my old site PORTFOLIO ! website is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Technologies: his website is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Women`s Clothing store
Women's Clothing Store (Desktop Version)
This is one of my first websites, developed for a women's clothing store. It features a desktop version
with sliders to showcase products. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the project highlights basic
functionality and design, serving as a key learning experience in my early development work.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Romanova doctor
This project focused on page layout, built with HTML and CSS. The goal was to create a clean, structured
design with a focus on responsiveness and userfriendly interface. It demonstrates my ability to
implement precise layouts and manage the overall structure of web content.
Technologies: HTML CSS
Projectballons animation
A fully responsive website designed for a balloon rental advertising company , with smooth animations
and interactive elements. Built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the site is optimized for all devices,
providing an engaging user experience with a clean, modern design.
Technologies: HTML, CSS and JavaScript,
Landing page Drafts
first site /CloudBudget/
Technologies: html css
britlex/ landing page
Technologies: html css
platinumConstr111 site
Technologies: html css
Udemy English Elementary
Course "front End Developer / Верстка / html
css / gulp / "
02.2023 02.2024 (1 year)
Certificate on Testprovider:
TP24303785 HTML5 & CSS3 Starter
TP67261535 HTML5&CSS3 Advanced
TP29481775 JavaScript Starter UA
TP28414113 HTML5&CSS3 Essential
TP29961618 HTML5 & CSS3 Starter
TP91484089 HTML5&CSS3 Starter
Problem solving
Critical thinking
Adaptability and flexibility
Organizational skills
Effective communication
Desire to learn and work
sports, walks, reading books, nature photography
Created on TestProvider.com
Схожі кандидати
Junior Front-End Developer
Одеса -
Junior Front-end Developer
Одеса -
Junior Front-end Developer
Одеса -
Junior Front-End Developer
Одеса, Вінниця , ще 5 міст -
Trainee/Junior Front-end developer
Одеса -
Junior Frontend Developer