- Файл
Менеджер кафе, ресторана, гостинницы
- Місто проживання:
- Одеса
- Готовий працювати:
- Інші країни
Контактна інформація
Шукач вказав телефон .
Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.
Отримати контакти цього кандидата можна на сторінці https://www.work.ua/resumes/11385642/
Завантажений файл
Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.
Dynamic professional with extensive experience in sales, retail, and hospitality. As Sales Manager at B.D. Lux S.A (1993-1995), facilitated the supply of European pharmaceuticals to Ukraine, showcasing negotiation and procurement expertise.
As Senior Sales Manager at the Trading House "Odessa" (1995-1997).
Self employment of "Dokka Pizza" franchise, demonstrated skills in franchising and public catering. Presently, successfully managing a hotel and apartments in Odessa.
Ukrainian driver's license issued in Ukraine of category B, B1
Driving experience in cars up to 3.5 tons, on manual and automatic transmissions 30 years
Self employment of a hotel and apartments in Odessa, Ukraine 2013 to present
• Organization of the hotel and restaurant business from the zero cycle - the choice of the location of the hotel, restaurant or cafe , design work, miscalculation of power lines, water supply and sewerage, the purchase of the necessary equipment, and tangled consumables.
• Booking and resettlement of customers, calculation of profits and risks, pricing depending on the season.
• Recruitment and staff training.
Volunteering in Ukraine 2022-2023
Supplying of food, water, clothes
Delivery of medicine for vulnerable people
Self employment of a chain of mini hotels and apartments 2012-2022
• Setting the tone for the hotel environment and being a role model for all your employees.
• Helping out with operational duties.
• Recruiting and managing employees.
• Extensive experience in assembling, repairing and configuring desktop computers and laptops Installation and configuration of operating systems and software. Repair and adjustment of mobile phones, firmware update. Data recovery work.
• Configuration of any IT devices IPTV, Android TV.
• Configuring network devices for internet routers, hubs, servers.
Self employment of restaurant "Ombrelina” 2012 -2015
• Restaurant brand development.
• Full cycle: location selection, marketing, complete renovation of the premises, purchase of equipment, development and implementation of corporate identity and menu development, personnel recruitment, launch of the enterprise.
• Management and accounting of the restaurant. Company Advertising and Presentations
Self employment of the restaurant "By the Sea", Odessa, Ukraine 2005-2013
• Restaurant brand development.
• Full cycle: location selection, marketing, complete renovation of the premises, purchase of equipment, development and implementation of corporate identity and menu development, personnel recruitment, launch of the enterprise.
• Management and accounting of the restaurant. Company Advertising and Presentations
• Managing the hotel revenue and budget, including pricing strategies and occupancy rates
Self employment |manager of the restaurant "Siesta Dali" in Odessa, Ukraine 1997 – 2013
• Work under franchising, organization of a retail network of public catering from the zero cycle, pricing, calculation of dishes, accounting.
• Restaurant brand development.
• Full cycle: location selection, marketing, complete renovation of the premises, purchase of equipment, development and implementation of corporate identity and menu development, personnel recruitment, launch of the enterprise.
• Management and accounting of the restaurant. Company Advertising and Presentations
• Recruiting and managing employees.
Self employment of the franchise network of pizzerias "Dokka Pizza" 1995-1997
• Work under franchising, organization of a retail network of public catering from the zero cycle, pricing, calculation of dishes, accounting.
Senior Sales Manager at the Trading House "Odessa", Ukraine 1995 -1997
• Trade negotiations, price tracking, retail network management
Sales Manager at B.D. Lux S.A in Luxembourg in Luxembourg, the company was engaged in the supply of medicines of European pharmaceutical companies to Ukraine. 1993 -1995
• Negotiation skills, formation of procurement
• Dispatch and forwarding of goods.
Odessa State Law Academy 1998
Speciality: Management and Law
Diploma: Master's degree
• Organization and management of the restaurant business, from the zero cycle - from the analysis of the location of the outlet, to the meeting of the first client.
• Namely, the re-equipment of an unprepared room for a point of commercial catering, the calculation of the necessary power solutions for electricity, water supply and sewerage, ventilation solutions, the selection and purchase of the necessary equipment, cooking lines, refrigeration equipment, retail lines.
• Calculation of profits and risks, development of calculations and introduction of new menu dishes. Record keeping.
• Work with machines in the factory, programming the machine for the task, machine maintenance.
• Extensive experience in transportation, people, cargo, delivery of orders in the Uber Ukraine network. Driving a car with a manual and automatic transmission 30 years of experience.
• Specialist Electrician, Specialist plumber, Specialist in setting up network equipment and communications.
• Extensive experience in assembling, repairing and configuring desktop computers and laptops Installation and configuration of operating systems and software. Repair and adjustment of mobile phones, firmware update. Data recovery work.
• Configuration of any IT devices IPTV, Android TV.
• Configuring network devices for internet routers, hubs, servers.
• I also have extensive experience in handling IT equipment, repair, assembly, updating the technical part.
• Professional computer user, extensive experience in installing and configuring Windows, Lunix, Android operating systems, installing, and configuring software.
• Professional user of graphic editors. Web programming skills, little initial experience in creating trading websites.
Russian- Fluent
English- Beginner
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