- Файл
Project Manager (Humanitarian Sector)
- Вік:
- 25 років
- Місто проживання:
- Інші країни
- Готовий працювати:
- Дистанційно, Інші країни
Контактна інформація
Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.
Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.
Отримати контакти цього кандидата можна на сторінці https://www.work.ua/resumes/11927614/
Завантажений файл
Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.
Split, Croatia
Remote work
Critical thinking Mobility
Separate Structural Subdivision
Ability to work in a team Time management
Technological College from Lviv
Information search Organizational skills
Polytechnic National University
Complete General Secondary Education;
Junior Specialist's Diploma.
Program Subject Area:
"Organization of tourist services"
— Computer Proficiency:
Lviv Polytechnic National University Advanced user of computers.
Bachelor's Diploma.
Program Subject Area "Tourism"
— Office Suites:
Proficient with Microsoft Suite
and Google Tools.
— Task Management:
Experience with Trello and
“Prevention of sexual exploitation
and exposure” IOM Ukraine; — CRM Systems:
Familiar with Bitrix 24.
Online course sales manager from
"Laba Business School"; — Data Collection and Analysis:
Skilled in using Microsoft Power BI
Training on psychological first aid as part
and KOBO Toolbox.
of the IOM Ukraine coordination initiative;
— Project Management Methodologies:
Training in stress management and Experienced in Scrum
emotional burnout of the IOM Ukraine; and Kanban methods.
Facilitating family retreats for veterans — Preparation of presentations
PowerPoint, Canva, Prezi.
and their families as part of the
"Path to Resilience" project;
Driving courses - category B
Driving experience 5 years;
Ukrainian - native
Support of tourist groups in the Russian - B2
European direction from "Tango Travel". English - A2
Facilitator of social activities of the department of mental health and psychosocial
support of society (MHPSS)
My responsibilities as a facilitator of social activities in the department of mental health
and psychosocial support of the society included the organization of creative and cultural
activities for various population groups, including IDPs (Internally Displaced People), in
collective centers and shelters, as well as creating a structured plan for such activities in
cooperation with a psychologist and social worker. I was involved in mapping creative
resources and processes in the community, increasing their visibility, teaching MHPSS
integration and facilitating their involvement with groups in need. Facilitated cultural
initiatives such as social theater performances, art and music classes, handicraft
workshops, language courses, short story and poetry competitions, sports tournaments
and other activities, taking into account the needs and resources of the community. Work
in mobile groups to provide psychological first aid in a zone of increased danger.
Facilitated surveys and research to assess MHPSS needs and improve access to
psychosocial and protective services at the community level.
Relux - advertising studio | Ukraine, Lviv
Project manager
Experience in managing projects at all stages of their execution. Conducted the full cycle
of negotiations with clients, ensuring the alignment of key details and successful closure of
deals. Directly coordinated work with external partners and internal teams, including the
production department, which allowed for effective systematization of all processes and
ensured deadlines were met. I have skills in Coral Draw, which helped in visualizing project
concepts and controlling the design of advertising materials. I oversaw measurement
accuracy and ensured compliance with the client’s technical requirements.
I have a high level of stress tolerance, which allows me to work on several projects at the
same time, while maintaining quality and attention to detail.
TRAVEL UP / Travel Up Expo | Ukraine, Lviv
Sales manager | Travel coordinator
I was the professional manager from European direction.
Basically all my time was connected talking with people, negotiating with them offline and
online , selling our services to them and because of this we had extremely great sales of
our tourist services.
I was managing trips on different exibitions for enterpreneurs, negotiating connections for
our ukrainin businessmen with worldwide producers. I have solved different issues already
at place of exibitions such as accomodation, translators, and also finding transport.
TANGO TRAVEL | Ukraine, Lviv
Tour Guide
I was a tour guide to different groups of tourists in direction to Europe. I was going with
different amount of people, it was minimum 15 people and maximum I was managing
teams with 80 people.
Also it is worth mentioning that I was responsible for the program of the tour, emotional
mood in a group and coordinating all participants with their own problems or questions ,
solving conflict situations and also selling additional tour-services in a trip.
Moreover, i was working with logistics of transport, translators in different countries, hotels,
accomodation, excursions, restaurants and cafes ans souvenirs shops also it was a rule to
have every single person interested in a trip and we were visiting different tourist
Схожі кандидати
Senior project manager, product owner, старший проектный менеджер
Дистанційно -
Project manager, керівник проєкту, менеджер ІТ-проєктів
24000 грн, Інші країни, Дніпро, Кам'янське -
Project Manager, менеджер, керівник проєкту
100000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно -
Аккаунт-менеджер, Project manager
80000 грн, Інші країни, Дистанційно -
SMM-, HR-менеджер, project manager