
Юрист, 4 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
49 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Івано-Франківськ, Інші країни, Львів

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

NAME Oksana Galchuk
LANGUAGE Russian, English

Aug 2009 – Present
SA & Permitting Manager
Galecobud, Ukraine
(3G UMTS – “Utel” TK Project, / Rezoning “Kievstar” project/ Acquisition “MTS” project)

•Directly responsible for the management of the entire Site Acquisition process on projects.
•Responsible for the timely completion of all Site Acquisition research and Subcontractor evaluation, including but not limited to RFQ completion and evaluation, contract negotiations and price determination.
•Responsible for all activities related to the production of the SAR, Technical Site Surveys, acquisition of all permits and leases.
•Organizing of lease agreement signatures between oner and customer, mobile operator.
•Supporting company and projects with legislation norms and codes.
•Daily coordination and control of all related Acquisition and permitting activity of the projects.
•Direct works with management of state authority departments, organizing necessary negotiation and establishing positive personal relation with state authority representatives.
•Direct and close work with: state cities administration and departments: Sanitary department; Architecture department, Fire protection department, labour work protection department, Electrical dep. etc.
•Projects coordination and support in receiving of Working Project conclusions and permits, due to project time lines.
•Selecting the Site Acquisition Subcontractors (according to project need).
•Status reporting to the Project Director and management of the Customer.
•Successful acceptance of all Site Acquisition work by the Customer in accordance to the fixed time schedule and the Scope of Work.

Jan 2007 – Aug 2009
Site Acquisition Manager & Permitting
Vita-Service Ltd, Ukraine
(NSN / MTS TK Project, / Utel TK projects)

•TSS visit planning, owner negotiations up to site locations.
•Preparing and filling SA information into the SAR.
•Conducting of negotiations with potential lessons in relation to possibility of entering into the contracts of tenancy of land, lease of the real estate, agreements about the grant of services in maintenance of equipment others for placing of the base stations of mobile communications (legislation concordance of terms of contracts of tenancy of all types of the real estate for placing of base stations).
•Lease agreement verification according to local legislation norms and state code.
•Processing of all legal documentation on the lease of lands, lease of all types of the real estate (projects of organization of the use of land in relation to taking of lands under building and establishment of the base stations for mobile communication; making of technical documents on the base of the normative money estimation of lands).
•Working Projects documentation permitting work.
•organizing of All Working Project expertise and conclusion processes, WP conclusions getting, direct working with state authority departments like Rezoning, Architecture, Fire, labour protection, Electrical dep. etc.
•Daily work and negotiations with Customer SA regional representatives, in accordance of lease agreement signing and site permitting activity.
•Receipt of authorization document on detail designs, claim of town-planning grounds.
•Handing over of the objects into exploitation.
•Sites acts of state commission providing for Greenfield, Rooftops and Chimney sites.

2001 – 2006

•Conducting of record-keeping of the private enterprise in the field of transport services (by combine jobs).
•2000р.-2006р. – paymaster general of the state and local budgets department of charges, Kolomyja State Treasury.

1996 – 2000
Main Specialist
kolomyja state Treasury, Ukraine

•Main specialist of the State budget department of, kolomyja state Treasury.

1993 – 1996
Executive Secretary

•Executive secretary, Committee of proceeding in rights of the rehabilitated, Kolomyja State Regional Administration.


2008 – 2011

•“State University” of Volyn, postgraduate faculty, jurisprudence.

Sep 1995 – Jun 2000

•Ternopyl Academy of national economy”, faculty of finances, economist

Sep 1989 – Feb 1993

•Kolomyja Polytechnic College, technologist of woodworking manufacture


•Eleven (11) years experience in states authority departments works with many state organization in financial and budgets areas. Experience in economical and financial state projects.
•Five (5) years experience in telecommunications project management, specifically related to site acquisition and permitting.
•Managing teams by setting and evaluating objectives.
•Strong decision-making and management skills.

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