
Senior Quality Assurance engineer

Повна зайнятість.
39 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Senior Quality Assurance engineer

з 04.2013 по нині (11 років 5 місяців)
Luxoft, Kyiv (IT)

•Business requirements analysis
•Technical requirements creation, modification and testing
•Business processes modulation
•Tasks distribution among the part of team, tasks estimation
•Reporting to PM and customer
•Setting up SCRUM process in team
•New features description and request
•Test cases writing
•Bugs description and follow up
•User guides and helps writing
•FDD creation
•Manual testing of banking client-server application
•Data driven testing
•UAT testing, regression testing, functional testing, UI testing
•Simple automation tests of web application creation and maintenance
•Incomers mentorship
•Task estimation and destribution

Quality control engineer/SCRUM Master

з 02.2010 по 03.2013 (3 роки 1 місяць)
GlobalLogic (IT)

•Manual testing of video editing software and 3rd parties plugins/bonus contents for it
•Manual testing of video editing software for iPad
•Competitors testing, benchmarking
•New features description and request
•Test cases writing
•Bugs description and follow up
•SCRUM master activities from time to time
•Mentored automation testing
•Team building: people selection and incomers mentorship
•Reporting and communication with customer and PM
•User guides and helps writing

Several successful releases of non-linear editing application, releases of 3rd party vendors plugins and bonus contents
Getting more familiar with media software segment
Encashment of existing team, new responsibilities taken to the project
Building and leading new team for new sub projects in existing team
Currently started involvement into automation testing

Internal systems evolution services officer

з 12.2008 по 02.2010 (1 рік 2 місяці)
LLC “ProstoFinance” (Finance, banking, and insurance)

•Business analysis and quality assurance
•Test of web-based CRM system
•Technical specifications writing
•Testing of different software and environments, bug tracking
•Bugs description and follow up
•Test scripts, test cases writing
•Test planning
•User guides and helps writing
•New features description and requesting
•Support of loans database

IBOX integration project finishing
Transfer to loss feature implementation
Specifications for new features of existent business environment and theirs tests and implementation with high economic gain

Sales manager

з 03.2007 по 10.2007 (7 місяців)
ACIS –Ukraine (Petrol stations proecting and building)

•Project management (86 new petrol stations launched, took care about resources and people allocation)
•Team management
•Tenders making
•Supply management

1st part of Shell project successfully completed

Loan officer

з 02.2006 по 04.2006 (2 місяці)
Close corporation “ProCreditBank” (Finance, banking, and insurance)

•New clients search
•Financial analysis of enterprises, clients’ social condition
•Loans control and monitoring, soft collection if needed
•Clients presentation at loan committees
•Risks measurement and decision-making

Project manager

з 10.2005 по 12.2005 (2 місяці)
LLC “Tickle” (Mobile content provider)

•Mobile content sorting, editing and creation
•Databases creation and management
•Partners search

Nonlinear editing operator

з 09.2004 по 11.2004 (2 місяці)
TV-company “Berdyansk” (Media)

•Linear and nonlinear audio and video editing
•On-air broadcasting
•Elementary system administrating


Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University

Master’s degree: Corporations management, Kyiv
Вища, з 2008 по 2009 (10 місяців)

2002-2006. Bachelor’s degree: Management of foreign-economic activity. Academy of management and information technologies “ARIM”.

Знання і навички

  • MS Office
  • Пользователь Internet
  • Windows
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Outlook
  • Jira
  • Linux
  • Outlook Express
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • CorelDRAW
  • AutoCAD
  • IP (Internet Protocol)
  • PHP
  • Администрирование сети
  • TestRail
  • MS Project
  • Java
  • TCP
  • Operating systems
  • Mantisbt
  • Операционные системы
  • 1C
  • Программирование
  • Bug tracking systems
  • Database
  • Programming
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • MacOS
  • Selenium
  • Управление проектами
  • Управленческие навыки
  • SMTP
  • POP3
  • Bugzilla
  • Сборка ПК
  • LAN
  • Testing
  • Планирование
  • Adobe
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Automation testing
  • DOS
  • VBA
  • Рисование
  • Управление командой
  • Project Expert
  • BPWin

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Російська — вільно
  • Французька — початковий

Додаткова інформація

Professional skills:
Strong knowledge of software testing process and approaches
Strong knowledge of media software segment
Basic knowledge of project management
Knowledge of agile testing and development
Marketing skills
Management skills
Analytic skills
Leadership skills
Working under the pressure
Problem solving skills
Trainer’s skills

Personal skills: single-minded, honest, responsible, creative, striving for excellence, associative, easy trainee, open mind

Hobbies: music, photography, material arts

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