
CMO, Sales Director (Foreign Trade), 100 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
43 роки
Місто проживання:
Інші країни
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Інші країни

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав ел. пошту, адресу та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

B2B Sales Manager

з 07.2022 по нині (2 роки 3 місяці)
Forankra Poland, Інші країни (Легка промисловість)

•Spearheaded B2B export sales operations, enhancing international trade relations.
•Implemented strategic sales initiatives resulting in UA clients attracting.


з 03.2022 по 02.2024 (1 рік 11 місяців)
REPNAV LDA (shiprepair yard, Angola), Дистанційно (Машинобудування)

• Market analytics
• Company site creation from “0”
• Linkedin page activity
• Recruitment (search and attraction of the employees for work on floating dock)
• Purchases (search of spare parts and equipment in Ukraine, EU, China. Logistics providing to Angola)
• Internal documents issue (Organization chart, HSE book, Job descriptions, etc.)

Marketing and Sales Director

з 05.2020 по 09.2021 (1 рік 4 місяці)
Smart Maritime Group (shipbuilding yard), Херсон (Машинобудування)

• Complete the department with the qualified staff;
• Provide staff with training in sales, negotiation, time management;
• Optimize and regulate external and internal document flow within the competence of the Marketing Department;
• Organize (within existing resources) operational CRM - registration and operational access to primary information on events, companies, projects, contacts;
• Develop and implement of the enterprise marketing strategy;
• Market analytics, development of information and advertising materials, updating the site;
• Identify potential customers basing on market analysis, reach a preliminary agreement on mutual cooperation and possible projects for shipbuilding, conversion and repair works, steel structures production;
• Completing the Marketing Department with the qualified staff in full;
• Sales training materials, coaching, testing employees for knowledge of sales instruments, INCOTERMS tasks, involving an external sales trainer to train management staff;
• Customer base growth + 30.6% during operation;
• Fulfillment of the company's budget in 2020;
• Reduction and control of receivables;
• Development of information and advertising materials, branded products of SMG;
• Updating of the SMG website;
• New channel of sales development (in conditions of quarantine restrictions) through agents, brokers, intermediaries: signed 5 contracts with European agents, 4 memorandums of cooperation with Bulgarian shipyards, 2 NDAs with Dutch brokers;
• Signed and successfully implemented contract for modernization of the 4 AMASUS vessels;
• SMG marketing strategy developed and approved.

Head of B2B sales

з 08.2019 по 05.2020 (9 місяців)
Nova Poshta International LLC, Київ (Транспорт, логістика)

•Sales plans planning and control;
•Staff selection, adaptation, training and coaching;
•Improve sales processes, monitor of team KPI execution;
•Assist employees in contract fufilment (finishing);
•Active search and attraction of new clients;
•Meetings with TOP clients and presentations;
•Completing of the B2B Sales’ staff in full;
•Fulfillment of planned sales targets;
•Preservation and development of the existing client base;
•Attracting new customers;
•Reduction and control of receivables

Head of the Commercial Department

з 07.2012 по 04.2017 (4 роки 9 місяців)
PJSC Ukrrichflot, Київ (Transportation and logistics)

Job duties –
•Foreign Trade Activities
•Budget planning and control
•Receivables control, work with trade debtors
•Working out and implementation of the Company regulate documents, processes with regard to the commercial activity, contracts, business offers, price policy
•Communication with the active and potential clients (including and not exactly concerning to handling works in the ports, fright, shipping, forwarding agents, cargo owners, etc.)
•Full control, organization, optimization of the ports commercial departments and also the head office
•Work with profitable contracts (contract templates, individual conditions, agreement, execution, control of fulfilment, etc.)
•Constant daily work with the related services of the port (operation, economists, IT), control of conditions at reception, transfer, storage of the cargoes, norms of handling works, fleet work and land transport;
•Price formation
•Logistics calculation
•Analysis of the river logistics calculation and also alternative ways of cargoes delivery by the land transport
•Work with the custom base
•Work with claims and conflicts solution
•Participation in conferences and other activities
•Market monitoring, customer acquisition and signing of the contracts (handling works, fleet services, sale of sand, purchase and sale of goods (grain, flour) on the terms of FCA, FOB)
1. Reduction of debt for 90%
2. Development, implementation and practical application of the developed regulations and routes of work with commercial requests and profitable contracts in system 1C:DO
3. Creation of standard contracts, unification of contractual base and the nomenclature in system 1C
4. Optimization and systematization of work of department in the ports and the central office.
5. Reduction of number of claims from clients, deduction of the operating base of clients, involvement of new clients.
6. Execution of planned targets on volumes of handling works, freight of own fleet and receiving income of the Company

Deputy Director

з 04.2010 по 05.2012 (2 роки 1 місяць)
LLC Techno-Park, Миколаїв (Миколаївська обл.) (поставка сельхозпродукции, логистика)

Job duties –
•Purchases of agricultural products in the regions
•Delivery of products of primary processing to the plants on production of juice, puree,
concentrates (Sandora, Vitmark, Yablunevyi Dar, others)
•Administration of the financial and economic activity of the company

Commercial Director

з 06.2008 по 05.2010 (1 рік 11 місяців)
LLC Trade House Cargo Auto of Ukraine, Миколаїв (Миколаївська обл.) (Transportation and logistics)

The company is the official representative of the "Bogdan", "Isuzu" trademarks with certified service station, own vehicle fleet - the taxi park, sea terminal on reception of import cars.
Job duties –
•Administration of the financial and economic activity of the company
•The decision and coordination of questions in the controlling and executive instances
•Control of exploitation and technical condition of own vehicle fleet (20 units)
•Management, organization and control of trouble-free operation of the enterprise
1. Debt and accounts payable reduction up to 75%.
2. Improvement of control and technical condition of own taxi bus park
3. Reduction of number of complaints from passengers
4. New business organization from “zero” in operation of the sea terminal for import cars acceptance, storage, customs cleaning.

Engineer of group of marketing and logistics of commercial and contractual department

з 10.2003 по 06.2008 (4 роки 8 місяців)
State Enterprise “Nikolayev Sea Commercial Port”, Миколаїв (Миколаївська обл.) (Transportation and logistics)

Job duties –
•Studying and analysis of the domestic and foreign markets of transport services.
•Contracts, negotiating, work with clients
•Analysis of tariffs, rates, calculations
•Preparation of business case on creation of the stevedoring companies
•Audits of activity of other sea ports as a part of the commissions of Control and Audit Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communication
1.Providing discounts to current rates on the basis of the calculations, as a result - attraction new, deduction of the existing freight traffics.
2. Business cases on the stevedoring companies which successfully work in the port are developed.
3. Ensuring work with foreign partners by signing of the contracts, participation in negotiations as the translator/interpreter


National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov

Department of Econoics, Specialist in Enterprise Economics, Миколаїв (Миколаївська обл.)
Вища, з 2007 по 2010 (2 роки 6 місяців)

Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University

Shipbuilding Department, Naval-Architect (specialist diploma), Миколаїв (Миколаївська обл.)
Вища, з 1997 по 2004 (6 років 5 місяців)

Знання і навички

  • MS Excel
  • MS Office
  • Пользователь ПК
  • Management skills
  • 1С УПП
  • Документооборот
  • Месплан
  • ТМкарта
  • 1С:Документооборот
  • 1C:Document Management
  • Комунікабельність
  • Ведення CRM
  • Водійські права кат. B
  • Управління персоналом
  • Робота з клієнтами
  • Навчання персоналу
  • Організація логістики
  • Ведення переговорів
  • Kanban
  • Trello

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Німецька — початковий
  • Польська — вище середнього

Додаткова інформація

Family status: Married. A child, 6-year-old.
Driving license: B category, 10 years’ experience and more.
Break in the job: Pregnancy and childcare

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