Full stack програміст, NetSuite-розробник (React, Node.js)
- Зайнятість:
- Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
- Вік:
- 39 років
- Місто проживання:
- Одеса
- Готовий працювати:
- Миколаїв, Одеса, Південне (Одеська обл.)
Контактна інформація
Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та LinkedIn.
Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.
Отримати контакти цього кандидата можна на сторінці https://www.work.ua/resumes/574204/
Досвід роботи
Full stack developer
з 02.2024 по 09.2024
(7 місяців)
Texter, Удаленно (IT)
Worked as part of a backend team that was creating a special chat platform (multi-tenant architecture) that combined support for WhatsApp channels (Tyntec and regular), Facebook and its own website chat platform. The platform also includes support for chat bots and other functions.
My work consisted of supporting current micro-services, writing new ones, as well as writing pipelines for automatic deployment of chat services (front and back) for clients using the Google Cloud and Firebase APIs.
I was also involved in writing a plugin for Figma to visualize and automate the creation of configuration files for chat bots.
Technologies used:
- NodeJS
- Google Cloud
- Firebase
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Microservices
- MongoDB
- Firestore
- Figma
Senior Frontend Developer / NetSuite developer
з 10.2021 по нині
(3 роки 4 місяці)
BrightSign, Удаленно (IT)
Worked as part of the BrightSign NetSuite team. The main focus here is to maintain a system which accounts various subscriptions types which are sold by BrightSign. This included:
1. Integration of BrightSign hardware subscription service (SOAP, REST) with NetSuite using SuiteBulling package as hub for customer subscriptions;
2. Integration of BrightSign analytics service (REST, websockets) with NetSuite (primarily through suitelets and restlets);
3. Itegration of BrightSign admin service (REST) with NetSuite through suitelets (basacialy several SPAs were created which gives order admins and sales team to control customers networks in BrightSign ecosystem as well as gather and present reports for such networks in form of web applications which integrated in NetSuite through suitelets with the help of MapReduce scripts).
Some of the minor responsibilites were helping order admins and sales team with various NetSuite records and helping with the creation of saved searches/reports.
Technologies used:
- NetSuite (suitelets, scheduled scripts, N/query, MapReduce);
- SQL (Oracle);
- ExtJS;
- NodeJS;
- NestJS;
- Webpack;
Senior Frontend Developer
з 07.2016 по 10.2021
(5 років 3 місяці)
BrightSign, Удаленно (IT)
Work as part of the team responsible for creating and maintaining web-based products for managing hardware (video players). Main responsibilities: architecture planning, components implementation, bug fixing. Technologies used:
- React JS (5 years);
- Redux (5 years);
- TypeScript (4 years);
- Electron (4 years);
- Node JS (2 years);
- Nest JS (2 years);
- ReactNative (4 months);
- Webpack (5 years);
Frontend developer
з 08.2015 по 07.2016
(11 місяців)
Instart Logic (Lohika), Пало-Алто (IT)
Work as part of the team which was responsible for creating web based dashboard from scratch. Main responsibilities: development of D3 components, implementation of architecture, bug fixing. Technologies used:
- Backbone JS (1 year);
- jQuery (1 year);
- Underscore JS (1 year);
- Marionette JS (1 year);
- Browserify JS (1 year);
- D3 JS (1 year);
- SVG (1 year);
Frontend Developer
з 05.2015 по 08.2015
(3 місяці)
Lohika, Одесса (IT)
Maintain and enhance internal portal. Technologies used:
- PHP (4 months);
- WordPress (4 months);
- jQuery (4 months);
Frontend Developer
з 11.2014 по 05.2015
(6 місяців)
Eurosport (Lohika), Одесса (IT)
Develop frontend for publishing platform. Implementing new version of "Eurosport player" service. Technologies used:
- Pure JavaScript (5 months);
Frontend Developer
з 06.2014 по 10.2014
(4 місяці)
CompIndex (Lohika), Одесса (IT)
UI bug fixing, implementation of new UI features. Technologies used:
- Backbone JS (5 months);
- jQuery (5 months);
- CoffeeScript (5 months);
- SVG (5 months);
Frontend Developer
з 11.2013 по 06.2014
(7 місяців)
The Advisory Board Company (Lohika), Одесса (IT)
Making enhancements for the corporate portals, fixing bugs, adding new functionality. Technologies used:
- Backbone JS (8 months);
- jQuery (8 months);
- JSP (8 months);
Middle PHP developer / midle JS developer
з 10.2012 по 10.2013
(1 рік)
CallStar, Николаев (IT)
Adding new features to e commerce project. Technologies used:
- PHP (1 year);
- Smarty (1 year);
- JQuery (1 year);
Senior PHP developer/ middle javascript developer/ Web service architect
з 08.2011 по 09.2012
(1 рік 1 місяць)
Alionpay, Николаев (IT)
Develop payment receiving system (analogous to Robokassa), extending functionality of Action ADS affiliate system (adding additional futures to backend/frontend).
Senior PHP developer/ middle javascript developer
з 04.2011 по 08.2012
(1 рік 4 місяці)
artica.com.ua, Николаев (IT)
Site creation, bug fixing, HTML coding, features implementation.
Senior PHP developer/ middle javascript developer
з 11.2010 по 04.2011
(5 місяців)
undisclosed american company, Удаленно (IT)
Backend/frontend development. Extensive use of Ajax technology and JS library - prototype.
Middle PHP developer
з 05.2009 по 07.2010
(1 рік 2 місяці)
Private media firm (Site creation and promotion), Николаев (IT)
Optimization of the sites, developing of various PHP/JavaScript (AJAX) code, developing of different web tools, SEO researches, content management, hosting monitoring, site functionality upkeep and more.
SEO specialist
з 07.2008 по 05.2009
(10 місяців)
Hostopia, Николаев (IT)
Optimization of the sites, developing of different minor PHP code, minor HTML/CSS markup, link building, advertisement manage. Main site with which our team was working on is templaterover.com. Also our team successfully promote minor template site which gained page rank 4 (starting from 0) in one month.
PHP/HTML coder, junior administrator
з 04.2007 по 07.2008
(1 рік 3 місяці)
Develster, Николаев (IT)
Optimization of the sites, developing of various PHP code, markup of templates for sites, CMS/Hosting administration. Also was involved in creation of minor CMS. During this period was developing different modules for joomla! cms and rewriting some parts of this cms.
HTML coder
з 06.2006 по 04.2007
(10 місяців)
Template developer company, Николаев (IT)
Creation of WEB templates - convertion from PSD to html - nothing special, HTML markup with usage of CSS2 and some simple JavaScript for browser sniffing and basic animation effects. During this period I extensively used FireWorks software which I admire till present time.
Web specialist / Consulter
з 09.2005 по 09.2006
(1 рік)
Freelance, Миколаїв (IT)
Creating sites, consulting people about web development, tuning different cms (WordPress, Joomla!). Examples: freekuzen.com, nikvesti.com, freeopentv.com etc.
СКС, Николаев
Вища, з 2002 по 2008 (5 років 5 місяців)
Бакалавр, специалист
Додаткова освіта та сертифікати
Курсы вождения
1 год
Знання і навички
- JavaScript
- Git
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- Node.js
- WordPress
- MongoDB
- Joomla!
- WebStorm
- Ubuntu
- Grunt
- JQuery UI
- Backbone.js
- SQLite
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Text editing
- Adobe AIR
- Phantom.js
- Require.js
- WebRTC
- React
- React Native
- NetSuite
- MariaDB
Знання мов
- Англійська — середній
- Російська — вільно
- Українська — середній
Додаткова інформація
I on github - https://github.com/Error-331
Some of my projects:
http://error-331.github.com/Electro-content-locker/ (github)
Books I've read
Kohana 3.0 Beginner's Guide, Gamification by Design, Design Patterns Explained, Pattern Hatching, Head First Design Patterns, Design Patterns, Head First Mobile Web, The Book of CSS3, Getting Started with D3, Ext JS in Action, Head First HTML5 Programming, The Data Journalism Handbook and many more.
Схожі кандидати
Full stack software engineer
Київ, Львів , ще 2 міста -
Full Stack developer PHP, JS (Laravel Vue.js React)
125000 грн, Одеса, Дистанційно -
Full-Stack Angular, TypeScript, Node.JS Developer
Одеса -
Trainee, Junior Software Engineer, Unity Developer
Одеса -
Full stack developer
Одеса, Дистанційно