
Company chief economist, executive officer, financial manager

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
42 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Тернопіль

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Curriculum Vitae

Surname: Kazmirovych First name: Yevstakhiy
(Казьмірович Євстахій Франкович)

Date of birth: 05.11.1981
Address: Ternopil, Ukraine
Phone number: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Personal profile:
A very conscientious and organized person who enjoys working in a busy environment and especially enjoys being part of a team. I am looking for a permanent position, which can offer training and career development.

Education & Training:
09.1998 – 06.2004: Ternopil State Technical University, department „Business in Manufacture sphere”, degree Master of management.

Postgraduate degree: 09.2019 – 01.2021: Ternopil State Technical University, degree Master of public administration.

Employment History:
05.2023 – until now: economist. Confidential

10.2022 – 05.2023: financial specialist, economist. Go4CFO
– developing financial models and preparing financial plans;
– gather and analyze financial information;
– evaluating cost structures and revenue streams;
– recommending solutions to reduce expenses, increase revenue and maximize efficiency.

10.2020 – 05.2023: Planning economist. VATRA Corporation
— calculation of the product costs;
— calculation of the product costs for SDO (State Defense Order);
— control of the product costs;
— identification, research and analysis of factors influencing of the product costs;
— economic analysis of company economic activities;
— planning and forecasting economic part of the activity and development of the enterprise to increase efficiency and profitability of production.

11.2018 – 10.2020: Economic Development and Trade Department of Ternopil Regional State Administration.
Chief Specialist
— implementation of the state regional policy on economic planning and forecasting in the region;
— socio-economic analysis of regional economic sectors;
— medium and short terms regional economy forecasts and programs of economic and social development;
— monitoring and reports of implementation regional economic and social development programs;
— monitoring and reports of socio-economic activities of regional district state administrative;
— socio-economic comprehensive assessment of regional districts.

08.2008 – 09.2018: Self-employed. London, UK
Site manager, electrician (construction)
— planning and organizing work on building site. Managing builder’s team (10-25 people);
— order materials and control material’s usage;
— organizing and control subcontractors work;
— designer specification and engineering drawing interpretation;
— meeting with clients, designers, engineers, architects;
— work reports and chatting with head office;
— wiring and installing system home automation (official RAKO programmer).

12.2006 – 08.2008: Economy Department of Monastyryska District State Administration.
— implementation of the state regional policy on economic planning and forecasting in the district;
— analytical and informational reports for district state administration managing team.

12.2005 – 12.2006: Economy Department of Monastyryska District State Administration.
Leadind specialist.
— implementation of the state regional policy on small business, trade and consumer services in the district.

07.2004 – 12.2005, Agropromtechnika ltd, Monastyryska.
Chief accountant
— accounting, financial and tax reports, tax payments calculation

Key Skills
— teamwork, adaptability, enthusiasm;
— experienced user of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google products, 1C, Medoc, Quickbooks, Planfix, Jira;
— economics and financial analysis (CF, P&L, Balance), planning;
— organizational support of the department activities;
— team managing.

Ukrainian– mother tongue
English– intermediate

Polish– beginner

Personal traits:
Honest, responsible, stress resistant, attentive to details.
Discipline, punctuality, sociability.

Additional details:
Driving license: В category.
Business trip: yes.
Hobbies: volleyball, fishing.

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