
English Copywriter/Rewriter (remote work)

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53 роки
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Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Дніпро, Київ, Харків

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Здравствуйте, предлагаем свои услуги по копирайтингу и рерайтингу.
Работы будут выполнены носителями англ. языка имеющими большой опыт.

Перед отправкой вам, работы будут проверены в Copyscape и Plagiarism Detect.
Работаем профессионально, а не пробуем себя.

Работы выполняются вручную , а не с пом. программы (The Best Spinner и др.)
Поэтому гарантируем 100% уникальность статей.

После нескольких проверок вы убедитесь , что после нас ничего не нужно исправлять или вообще проверять.

Можем взять все ваши объемы на себя, так что вам не придется больше искать копирайтеров и рерайтеров.

Вышлите пробную статью, чтобы увидеть качество нашей работы на [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
C ув. Валерий.
PS. Ниже приводится образец работы. Просим не публиковать эту статью, т.к. она выполнена на заказ и прошла Copyscape. Это образец.

The Basics Of Car Insurance and Your Car Insurance Policy.

Is it possible to place car insurance on a modified/classic car? If so, who offers coverage?

Yes, you may place car insurance on a modified/classic car however; the difficulty lies with the fact that it cost more to make repairs or replacements to the vehicle so very few car insurance companies will issue a insurance policy for this type of vehicle.

Is insurance available for the modified/classic car and who offers the coverage?

You can purchase car insurance for a modified/classic car however because the repairs or replacements for these cars are that much higher than typical repairs/replacements the numerous car insurance companies do not offer a policy for coverage.

How can I cut back on the cost of the car insurance premium?

When you want to cut back on the cost of your car insurance premium, you will want to ask your insurance company the discounts they offer on car insurance coverage when calling about a quote. There are steps that you can take to help reduce the cost of your car insurance premium. Park in a garage instead of a driveway, install an anti-theft car alarm, and purchase 3rd party fire and theft coverage.

Excess and what it is.

There is a amount of money that you have to pay when there is a claim against your car from an accident that was not caused by yourself. This cost can either be voluntary or compulsory. The excess may be able to be recovered through your legal cover if the accident was not your fault. The voluntary excess is the money in which you agree to pay to the insurance company. Compulsory excess is generally aimed at drivers who are younger because the risk of having a car accident is higher.

What is a legal cover?

The legal cover is going to allow you to have the expertise needed and assistance to recover from any uninsured losses that you receive from having an accident such as medical bills, costs as well as loss of earnings from an accident. This will also cover excess where an accident was not your fault.

Can an insurance company cancel your insurance policy?

Your insurance company can cancel your insurance policy if you fail to pay the premium or if your license has been suspended or revoked during the time that you have the policy. If there have been any changes to your property, misrepresentation on your part or fraud is suspected, the insurance company can cancel your insurance policy.

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