
Key account manager (import, logistics, customer service)

47 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Знання мов

Англійська — вище середнього

Додаткова інформація

OBJECTIVE:To obtain a position related with customer support service, key account manager or import &logistics, where my knowledge, skills and experience can be utilized productively.

Languages:fluent in English (read, write, speak, translate), Deutsch (A1) Computers: Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet, Psychology of business relations, Clerical and office work


2002 - 2008 Dnepropetrovsk Academy of Building and Architecture, Financial Economics Faculty, Master’s Degree in management and marketing

1992-1996Dnepropetrovsk Pedagogical College, Bachelor’s Degree in Languages

01.2022 - corporate sales manager in ARGO-retail network argo.com.ua
since 11.2019 up to 01.2022 - maternity leave
07.2016- 11.2019 Key account manager, business-travel B2B
“KIY AVIA” agency www.kiyavia.com

•New customers attraction activities
•Preparation of presentations and business solutions for companies on business travel;
•Negotiating with potential customers, work with existing customers;
•Preparation of commercial offers, formation of sales funnel and client base;
•Monitoring and analysis of competitors' agencies;
•Formation of an implementation plan with detailed actions;
•Activities aimed at retaining customers and long-term service;
•Organization and accompanying business and incentive customer trips;
•Booking hotels, tickets, arranging transfers for fairs attending and all necessary for business trips

02.2015-07.2016 Head of import department Arte di Vita interior salon; www.artedivita.ua
•Carried out global market research in the design and interior area.
•supplier and customers search abroad
•Establishing business relations and suppliers researches with market leaders in EU, China, Italy, Spain
•Orders placing, Specification and Contract preparation
•Checking of shipping documents, financial reports and other documents;
•Providing documentary and informational support to customs brokers.
•Monitoring the movement of orders shipments;
•Organizing cargo transportation;

06. 2013- 12.2014 Head of import & marketing department (agricultural business), Agrospace LLC; www.agrospace.com.ua

Professional duties in import:

•Participation in negotiations, dealers’ meetings, shows, placing orders, controlled due dates;
• Preparing contracts, shipping documents, cash flow reports and payments;
•Control/Organizing cargo transportation;
•Working closely with suppliers of agricultural equipment (USA, EU)
•Customs and certification offices
Professional duties in marketing:
•Development of marketing strategy, marketing research, research of customers & suppliers.
•Preparing marketing events, promotion programs creation and implementation
• Marketing, media plan & budgeting
•Working closely with suppliers of design, brand souvenirs, merchandising material
•Web site content, advertising.

04.09.2012-02.04.2013. Procurement manager, Severstal-Ukraine LLC, www.severstal.com
•Organization and coordination of the work with main office and plant in Russia.
•Orders placing, Specification preparing for production in SAP.
•Negotiations, production plan co-ordination, consultations with technical experts and laboratories.
•Orders execution and control of shipments and shipping documents.
•Research of alternative suppliers in Asia and EU.
•Reports for management in Russia and Ukraine.

07.2010-09.2012 Deputy Director of import and logistics, Nova Steel LLC, trading company www.novasteel.com.ua (sales of the flat steel HDGI, PPGI and mill bar for construction market),

•Carried out global market research in the flat carbon steel area.
•Establishing business relations and suppliers research with market leaders in USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Turkey and China.
•Suppliers research and working closely with current suppliers (ArсelorMittal Group plants , Borcelik, Tata Steel Istanbul Metal (Turkey), Sutor Steel Technology Co.,Ltd, Changshu Huaye Steel Strip Co.,Ltd.( China) MARCEGAGLIA (Italy).
•Placed orders, controlled due dates and logistic, documentary support of customs brokers.
•Preparing contracts, shipping documents, cash flow reports and payments;
•Market analysis (competitors / suppliers price offers, market tendency and etc.)
•Working closely with suppliers, dealers’ representative offices in different countries.
•Participation in negotiations, dealers meetings, shows, trainings.

04.2008- 06.2011 ALEF, project manager & logistics
04/2003-04/2008 Customer support service (Import/Export), Representative Office of Mayerton Refractories Ltd (Ireland) refractory materials
PERSONAL:Reliable, polite, friendly, fast learner, good memory, ready to work independently.

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