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Data Scientist

25 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Днепр, Киев, Львов, Одесса, Удаленно

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Data scientist
Passionate problem solver with extensive programming experience

 Kyiv Skills
 24 years old
Skilled at extracting vast variety of information from data, whatever the
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
goals or tools
 Married Ever needed to distinguish between a chicken or an egg on the relicts-old
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») photo?
 Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv
Strong abstract thinking and mathematical proficiency
Surmounted calculus, statistics, differential equations, linear algebra,
 Ukrainian computer theory, computational geometry, machine learning algorithms
 Open to remote work and deep learning
 Personal vehicle
Native Python speaker with over 5 years of experience

Versatility in Excel, Unix CLI, GPTs, and various other tools
Languages Strong English proficiency, capable of reading advanced professional
English literature
Fluent Less than 1 unknown word for every 10 pages in technical literature. Slightly
more in fiction
Native, Fluent Excellent communication skills, backed by positive feedback from
people I've worked with
Native, Fluent Experience delivering lectures on "Statistics for Data Analysis" and
"Python Essentials"

Familiarity with Linux systems, including Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and CentOS
Assets Staring at Kali Linux, no blinking

Obsessed with impressive Proficient in distributed version control systems, particularly Git
final results Around 4 years in use

Perceiving tasks through the Skilled in SQL, specifically PostgreSQL
final goal's lens Approximately 2 years of experience

Aim to finish what has been Regular user of PowerBI

Challenging work is a way of Experienced in Django and React
life, hence the ballance Each with around 2 years of experience.

Leaded the development of a customized data analysis system similar to
Tailored to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine's needs

Extensive understanding of internet protocols, including HTTP (including
Theoretical knowledge of BGP, OPSF and some others
Interests Education
Reading math, physics, Bachelor of Computer Science and Cybernetics
philosophy (and others too) From September 2016 to May 2020
pioneers' manuscripts Taras Shevchenko National University Kyiv, KV, Ukraine
No better way to get
acquainted than this one. Tried Master of Computer Science
and errored multiple times From September 2020 to February 2022
Taras Shevchenko National University Kyiv, KV, Ukraine
Especially baking bread and One month before completion (due to the full-scale war matters)

Reading philosophy and Computer skills
And discussing them with Python 3.X
decent people. Sometimes the Ground-deep understanding up to metaclasses and interpreter subtleties
last is even more enjoying than
the first Machine Learning
Scikit-learn, keras, tensorflow 2.X, numpy, pandas and many others
Connecting people
Just like Nokia Data Analysis & Data Science
MS Excel, MS Power BI, Tableau (limited skills), as well as everything
Living described at "Machine Learning" section
Really worth trying
Full-Stack Development
Using Django 3.X or 4.X as Back-end framework and Vanilla JS or React.js
as the Front-end one

Deep understanding of design principles

SQL (PostgreSQL especially)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Work experience
Since January 2023 Self Employed Kyiv
1) Stock market prediction software tailored to Indonesian stocks.
Software scrapes a lot of market information from different sources
(including Twitter API to analyse positive and negative news on each
market), then engineers some important features of the data and
provides recommendations for buy/sell strategies based on the DL
model output;
2) Telegram bots:
• (Personal project) An encryption bot that embeds Unicode symbols
into some picture's bytes. Used for entertainment as well as for
decryption complexity study. Romantic and scary, depending on what
you chose;
• Developed a bot that uses NLP to monitor channel subscriptions and
re-post "valuable" news to a private channel;
3) Personal websites:
• (Personal project) Created an "Every second matters" timers app
where you can set stopwatches and get notified on some events;
• (Personal project) Created a web application to demonstrate and
promote 5 little kittens that we barely managed to save from the
sickness. Succeeded to find them new homes in mere weeks;
• Interactive web CVs for people that want to shine in a way or two;
4) Socket-level application to analyse and somewhat abuse network
usage and connectivity.
1) Personal lessons on Python, Web Development, Statistics and Data
Analysis. Achieved high satisfaction rate and imposing results: have
been able to develop solid juniors from a group of fitness trainers.
Work experience
Data Analyst, Training Organization Manager
From March 2022 to December 2022 Kyiv School of Economics Kyiv
1) Conducted covid and tuberculosis spread analysis:
• Analysed outbreak relations between Ukraine and bordering
• Forecasted spread, mortality and hospitals load using a bunch of
methods: Facebook Prophet, LSTMs, ARIMA;
• Communicated results with the policy makers of the Ministry of
2) Took part in the USAID-PATH-KSE project, aimed to teach top-notch
MOH executives better ways of analysing statistical and
epidemiological data, share our insights into the data etc. Performed a
lecturer's, manager's and analyst's duties at the same time:
• Devised and implemented two complete streams of lectures: Python
Essentials and Statistical Analysis;
• Created a complete study plan, coordinated it with foreign lecturers
from Cyprus and Spain, as well as Ukrainian ones. Managed to achieve
astonishing preparedness in a drastically short time period;
• Found, tested and worked in tight collaboration with realtime
interpreters to make lessons graspable for the audience;
• Delivered "Statistical Analysis" lectures set. Received decent amount of
positive responses regarding great on-classes interactivity, achieved
due to a pletora of case studies (content) and great inter- personal
relations (soft skills).
• Managed to improve the overall course satisfaction from "around
5/10" to "around 8/10".

Work experience
Development Team Lead
From September 2021 to March 2022 Kyiv School of Economics Kyiv
Headed the implementation of a complex data analytics system used
to control vaccination provision and allocation based on multiple
factors. We joked at times that we've built our own PowerBI. The system
had the next requirements:
• Restricted Access. The app should have had a centralised admittance
policy (users were registered by a very few people);
• Allow for complex vaccine allocation policies. One example: some
vaccines were supplied in a "not quite fresh" condition. Software must
had been aware of such a scenario and react accordingly: allow for a
few days to distribute, then consider this exact vaccine as "in usage
right now", and finally provide calculations based on that.
• Be general enough to encompass new datasets and "playstyles".
Hence, be a complete data analysis platform;
• Have solid optimization. Be fast and not overweighted by the datasets
and the overall computational complexity. This way it gained an
advantage over Google Spreadsheet alternatives.
• Lots of other fun.
Work experience
Data Analyst
From April 2021 to October 2021 Kyiv School of Economics Kyiv
1) Developed sustainable data analysis products and software:
• Developed ETL pipelines for the Ministry of Health of Ukraine's realtime
COVID data. Implemented data-preshaping, data error detection, data
cleaning, complex error detection scenarios (like a sudden complete
change of data semantics in a particular column);
• Implemented, supported and gradually deployed a centralised
database approach to corporation's internal data keeping (in place of
the existing Excel file ownership based on who conducts the research)
with sophisticated security distribution policies;
• Created PowerBI dashboards based on the previously mentioned
• Created a GCP server to keep the data, handle event hooks like "data
source update", communicate with PowerBI to initiate updates, create
2) Participated in a "COVID-19 emergency handling team", having a
direct communication with Ministry of Health of Ukraine:
• Proposed, implemented and analysed COVID observation and
containment routines to withhold the infection inside a "hospitals
capability", as well as measures of success for those;
• Implemented modelling curves for COVID spread, mortality etc. Used
SIR, ARIMA, SARIMA as well as LSTM Deep Learning models to find the
best fitting one;
• Implemented attractive and interactive data representations (using
HTML, CSS, JS) that could be shown to general public in order to
achieve trust and confidence;
• Was constantly communicating the results to make impact on the
nation-wide decisions made
by policy makers. Participated in crafting press and public
communications to promote vaccination awareness and support
among the general public based on statistically achieved results.

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