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Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Сливка Андрей Васильевич

Year of birth: 1975
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

1989-1992 - Vocational school №13, specialty “Technological equipment adjuster”.

1996 - 2001 – Chernivtsi National University, Faculty of Physics, Department of Intelligent and Computer Systems and Network. Full-time education. Master's degree.
Specialty: Software engineer.

2016 - 2018 – Chernivtsi National University, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work. Master's degree.
Specialty: Practical psychology.

2017 – 2021 – Institute for the Development of Symboldrama and Depth Psychology (IGKIP). Vinnitsa branch.
Specialization: Psychotherapist using the symboldrama method.

Personal qualities:
Sociable, I easily find a common language, I read a lot, I prefer to have an opinion based on my personal experience, taking into account the experience of other people. I attend festivals and conduct psychological trainings. I like to paint in oils and write poetry when I have free time.

1. English – read/translate/ intermediate level of spoken English
2. Russian – fluent
3. Ukrainian – fluent.


5+ years of teaching programming (groups) and private lessons.

20+ years of experience in WEB and WEB application development. Development of projects from start to finish.

10 years of experience in the development of automatic process control systems.

4+ years of experience as a psychotherapist using the IGKIP method

3 years of experience working with clients (equipment sales).

28+ years of administering and maintaining computers and other office equipment.

10+ years of experience, creating and teaching at a school for human self-development.


Programming languages and environments:
1. Basic
2. Pascal
3. Assembler
4. С, C++
5. Watcom C++
6. Borland C ++ Builder
7. MS Visual C++
8. Office programming, VBA
10. VBA for 1C:Enterprise Platform.

MySql, Oracle, Firebird, others.

MS-DOS , Many years of experience in servicing and administering Windows, both SERVER and regular versions.

Software knowledge:
Photoshop, Telnet, Adobe Dreamweaver, Other software… toо long to list

Computer assembly:
Assembly, adjustment, selection of components and their sale, restoration of consumables and maintenance of computers and local networks. Installation and configuration of system and user software.

System administration:
Support of specialized software, optimization of the backup system on file servers, support of Windows servers (AD, Domain, DNS, DHCP, group policies, access rights differentiation, file server, data backup).


Conducting a course and teaching the Basic language and the subject “computer science” at the Palace of Youth and Youth in Chernivtsi (MSX-2 computer class).

Job responsibilities:
* Teaching course students the basics of programming.

Work at the company "Skif Engineering" in Chernivtsi (process control system for the food industry). Development of a process control system (C, C++, Assembler).

Position: Software engineer.
P.S. Worked as a Software Engineer, hired without education after passing an interview..

Service in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the regional military registration and enlistment office in the 1st department.

Job responsibilities:
* Development of a system for recording equipment and document flow in C++.

Participation in the creation and work in the company "Industrial Technologies", Chernivtsi, Institute of Automation. Development of an automated process control system for managing the Marylivsky distillery in the Chertkovsky district of the Ternopil region.

Position: Software engineer.

Technologies, systems, languages: WATCOM С++, MS-DOS, NOVELL, MFC.

Job responsibilities:
* Participation in the development of an exclusive 3-level data presentation system. * Development and maximum optimization of a graphics core library in Assembly language for display and animation on VGA and EGA and SVGA screens in VESA modes - structural mnemonic diagrams, device widgets (dampers, valves, etc.) * Development of widgets, displaying their status and other parameters. Their interaction with analog-digital controllers. * Writing documentation for the automated process control system.

Development of a software and hardware complex “Remote knowledge control” using the Baikonur Application Webserver, for organizing test control of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of the project “MASTER 21. DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM CHNU”.
* P.S. nominated this work for his graduation project and successfully defended it.

Position: Software engineer.

Planned area of use:
Higher and secondary educational institutions, schools.

Technologies, systems, languages:
Borland С++ Builder, HTML, TSQL, JavaScript, XML, Oracle, UML.

Job responsibilities:
* Development of a database, algorithms, their implementation at all levels of the program.
* Writing code.
* implementation of student workstation (taking tests, viewing results)
* implementation of the teacher's workstation (creating tests, viewing results).
* support for many users, work on slow communication channels. Different difficulty levels and much more...

Work as a manager for the sale of computer and office equipment at the Passage Trading House.

Position: Sales Manager.

Job responsibilities:
* Sales and support of computer equipment and software.
* Installation of operating systems Windows 95/98/Me/Server
* Installation of software (office, and others at the request of the customer).
* Testing and sending out of order equipment for warranty.
* Work with clients.

Writing warehouse and accounting programs and their support.
Development of WEB sites. Teaching programming - private lessons.

Position: Freelancer.

Technologies: Borland C++ Builder, HTML, PHP, JAVA SCRIPT, JAVA.

Additionally - technical and software maintenance of computer equipment in the group of companies Mavex, Avias, Ukrnafta.

Position: software engineer.

Job responsibilities:
*Software development
* Creation and implementation of local networks
* Setting up and tech. support for office equipment (computers, faxes, etc.)
* optimization of staff productivity with office equipment
* optimization of office equipment performance
* training staff to work with software and office equipment
* Installation and configuration of software (Software)
* Purchase and replacement of PC components
* Updating programs, anti-virus systems, anti-virus databases
* Conducting and maintaining company LAN
* Timely replacement, timely refilling of cartridges
* Update and monthly archiving of 1C accounting databases
* Import of monthly sales data into 1C
* Working with shift reports in 1C accounting
* Maintenance of oil depots
* Support of Avias retail outlets
* Monthly monitoring of competitors.
* Ensuring information exchange between the branch and the Head Office.
* Ensuring the security of electronic data in the office
* Ensuring interaction with service companies
* Implementation of computer hardware and intelligent computer systems, Maintenance of office equipment at the company's gas stations.

2003 – present time:
Creating software development studio. Development production process automation complexes and websites of varying degrees of complexity. Full development cycle, design, layout, programming, etc.

Some of our projects:
We have carried out and are carrying out many different projects, I will mention only some of those that we have done in the last 3-5 years. We mainly specialize in complex online stores, information portals and automation systems with a large number of custom modules and interaction with 1C and similar systems.

Online stores:
* shrubka.cv.ua - (Interaction with 1C8)
* turcoffee.ua - (Interaction with 1C8)
* sweetwoman.ua - (Interaction with a program similar to 1C8, Proza)
* hayali.com.ua - (Interaction with 1C8 but manual import, +CRM)
* hayali.shop - - (manual import, imitation of 1C8 did not buy 1C, +CRM)
* sytobakery.com - (manual import, imitation of 1C8 did not buy 1C, +CRM)
* svitart.net
* umi.cv.ua - under development
* arbor.net.ua
* remix.net
* drhegedosh.com
* wafflecrush.de
* jeansoptom.com.ua
* tod.com.ua
* leader.cv.ua
-- a new version is currently under development: http://leader.demo.cv.ua/
* luxinvest.com.ua
* caddy-zapchasti.com.ua
* vivaro-traffic.com.ua
* vito-center.com.ua
* skinandskin.com.ua
* nrs.vegas
* isc-spain.com.ua
* polistar.com.ua
* newd.com.ua
* recoll.com.ua

* buynowus (the project is closed, unfortunately the owner died prematurely 2 years ago, the domain is for sale)
-- This is a very complex system for working with Ebay, Amazon (sniper auction) and for shopping in any online store in the world for any currency.

Manufacturers of Wedding Dresses
* annievictor.com
* ellerosa.com
* jeorjettdress.com (enter via VPN, the site is blocked for visitors from Chernivtsi)
* All manufacturers of wedding dresses for which we once developed websites: raza-mia.com, lussodress.com, Intertex, My Lady, Tulipia, whitequeendress.com, Merry spose, Stella shakhovskaya

Services and other things
* titons.com
* titonrealty.com
* lux-werbung.de
* stepbystep.in.ua
* luxautoelectronic.com
* gulfstream.cv.ua
* vik-filatti.com.ua
* spectehnika.cv.ua
* upf.expert
* kevin-john.com.ua
* meblimania.com.ua
* krasakaminnya.com.ua
* forum-auto.com.ua
* boyanivka.com (new version under development)
* adam-auto.com.ua
* eurouklogistic.com
* saltanoff.es
* apolo72.es
* gulfstream.cv.ua

* bukintermed.org
* mavex-medicina.cv.ua
* oblast-travma.cv.ua
* nensi-pharm.com.ua
* omdc.cv.ua (The new site of the Chernivtsi Regional Medical Diagnostic Center on Nebesnaya Hundred Street is under development)
* Mikros - Software and mobile applications for internal work of the clinic

Mass media, State
* bukinfo.com.ua
* dobrabiblioteka.cv.ua
* vnpu.org.ua
* kitsman-rada.gov.ua
* chernjust.gov.ua (Ministry of Justice)
* tva.ua

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